Turkey Thanksgiving 2005 At Home With Family

He who thanks but with the lips thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving comes from the heart. ~J.A. Shedd

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005 (Page Two)

Page Created: 11/26/2000 Page Last Updated: 11/02/2024 14:44

Who is here?

Staying hot
Wrapped up staying hot!

Did you know? - Traditional Thanksgiving foods are sometimes specific to the day, and although some of the foods might be seen at any semi-formal meal in the United States, the meal often has something of a ritual or traditional quality. Many Americans would say it's "incomplete" without cranberry sauce, stuffing, and gravy. Other commonly served dishes include sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, dumplings, corn on the cob, green beans or green bean casserole, peas and carrots, bread rolls, and a Waldorf salad. For dessert, various pies are often served, particularly apple pie, mincemeat pie, sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, and pecan pie, with the last three being particularly American.

Partaking In  Thanksgiving 2005
Wine time

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005
"Flower and I are friends"

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005
Valentine and Flower

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005
Pinky on patrol

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Gravy Time

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005
Talking to the East coast.... It's tradition

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005
Meat man at work

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Did you know? - Most Thanksgiving turkeys are stuffed with bread crumbs and roasted. Sage is the traditional herb added to the stuffing (also called dressing), along with chopped celery and onions. Turducken, a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken, is becoming more popular, from its Cajun base in Louisiana. Deep-fried turkey is rising in popularity as well, requiring special fryers to hold the large bird, and reportedly leading to fires and bad burns for those who fail to take care when dealing with a large quantity of very hot oil. In more recent years it is also true that as the wild population of turkeys has rebounded in most of the US, some will hunt and dress their turkey in the woods and then freeze it until meal preparation.

The use of the turkey in the USA for Thanksgiving relates back to Lincoln's nationalization of the holiday in 1863. Since a turkey could feed more than a chicken, those were sent to the troops instead as a more cost-effective feast.

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005
Calories be gone

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Patiently Waiting...

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005
"I'll take two"

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005
Valentine is such a lady

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005
An amazing taste!!!

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005
Stephanie can't wait

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Did you know? - Cannibalism (from Caníbalis, the Spanish name for the Carib people, a West Indies tribe well known for their practice of cannibalism), is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh of other human beings. It is also called anthropophagy. A person who practices cannibalism is called a cannibal.

While the expression "cannibalism" has origins in the act of humans eating other humans, it has extended into zoology to mean the act of any animal consuming members of its own type or kind, including the consumption of mates

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner 2005