Turkey Thanksgiving Pumpkins....

Coexistence:  what the farmer does with the turkey - until Thanksgiving.  ~Mike Connolly

Pumpkins Come In Many Sizes, Shapes, and Colors!

Page Created: 11/26/2011 Page Last Updated: 11/05/2023 00:44

A pumpkin is a squash fruit that grows as a gourd from a trailing vine of certain species in the genus Cucurbita. Although native to the Western hemisphere, pumpkins are cultivated in North America, continental Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India and some other countries. Cucurbita species referred to as pumpkins include Curcurbita pepo, Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita mixta, and Cucurbita moschata.

The pumpkin varies greatly in form, being sometimes nearly globular, but more generally oblong or ovoid in shape. The rind is smooth and varies in color between cultivars. Although orange is the most common color, some fruits are dark green, pale green, orange-yellow, white, red and gray. Large specimens acquire a weight of 40 to 80 lb (18 to 36 kg), but smaller fruits are more frequently encountered.

Although the pumpkin is botanically classified as a fruit (the ripened ovary of a flowering plant), it is widely regarded culinarily as a vegetable. Their insides are commonly eaten cooked and served in dishes such as pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, and pumpkin soup; the seeds can be roasted as a snack. Pumpkins are traditionally used to carve Jack-o'-lanterns for use in Halloween celebrations.


Bet you didn't know there were so many kinds of pumpkins!




Great Pumpkin Names:

Baby Huey This is the only known pumpkin name where "Baby" can be used.
Hugo This name speaks for itself. Any pumpkin with this name will not be a wimp.
Big Ben Another name that speaks for itself.
Big Bertha An excellent choice if you don't know anyone named Bertha.
Big Boy Goes along with the "Big ---" theme, "Big" anything usually produces good results.
Big Foot A favorite on the west coast
Brutus Big and mean, a dude with a 'tude.
Dino As in big as a dinosaur
Faith For those who truely believe in the "Big Guy"
Fertile Myrtle If seeds is what you are after, this name's for you.
Frankenstein A certain winner of the "Ugliest Pumpkin" award at your local weigh-off
Godzilla A favorite among Japanese growers
Goliath This is one of the authors favorites
Grandaddy The Grandaddy of them all
Hope A rather optimistic name. Growers selecting this name will buy a Fork Truck in May.
Incredible Hulk This will produce favorable results, but pumpkins will have a slightly green hue.
Jabba the Glut ....Our version of Jabba the Hut
King Kong No question this is a classic name for a big fella
Lucky The only problem with this name is it takes more than luck to grow Atlantic Giants
Lunker You will not be able to net a beast with this name. On the downside, a slightly fishy smell.
Max This name speaks for itself. However, avoid "Maximilian" as it is too formal.
Mighty Mabel Already in Guiness, a pumpkin of this name could sail the Seven Seas
Peter the Great
Porky As in pig....or hog. Atlantic Giants are real water and nutrient hogs.
Sasquatch He's another biggie. Warning: This pumpkin could turn out hairy.
Sparky He'll come to life in a big way.
Tarzan Big, tough and swings on vines.
Titan A giant of a pumpkin in any patch
Underdog Everybody roots for the underdog and "they try harder"
Venus Named after the Goddess of love, proper pollination is guaranteed.


