Turkey Thanksgiving 2001 At Home With Family

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.  ~W.T. Purkiser

Thanksgiving 2001 (Page One)

Page Created: 11/26/2001 Page Last Updated: 11/05/2023 00:20

All the family joined us for a super meal and time to sit and enjoy life.  Of course Sue was going 90 miles per hour but that is normal! years ago. We had the Chartier's (less Colleen who is now remarried), the Lind's, Edith, Kat, Otis, Eddie, and of course Dave McTevia.

Let The Festivities Begin

Tia the Wonder Dog
Tia the Wonder pooch!

Thanksgiving 2001
Thanksgiving weather in California is always nice

Thanksgiving 2001
Sue swims while Cassie models the latest Pilgrim outfits

Thanksgiving 2001
Indian corn

Thanksgiving 2001
Jon is growing up... He is eleven in this picture

Thanksgiving 2001
Kat and Otis sit and enjoy all of the commotion with the grandkids running back and forth and food being prepared.

Thanksgiving 2001
Aunt Edith, the life of the party!

Thanksgiving 2001
C onnor (always had a tooth problem), Cassie and Jackie

Thanksgiving 2001
David McTevia

Thanksgiving 2001
Class clowns

Thanksgiving 2001
The girls assist setting the table

Thanksgiving 2001
Cassie does one more check

Thanksgiving 2001
Valentine is always right next to Otis

Thanksgiving 2001
Grandma Sue and Jeanette consult

Thanksgiving 2001
Sue will make sure they do it right - Sue and Mitch have an agreement and it seems to work...
He does the meat and she does everything else!

Thanksgiving 2001
Dave McTevia is always nearby

Thanksgiving 2001
Handsome devil....

Thanksgiving 2001
Mommy Dog (Valentine) takes it all in

Thanksgiving 2001
Seconds or thirds Pete???

Thanksgiving 2001
Cranberries do NOT get fresher than this

Thanksgiving 2001
Can't slow her down... Sue is always in the kitchen making everything special for her family. 

Thanksgiving 2001
Otis, Kat and Edith enjoy all the kitchen activity and remember the 50 years that they did the same thing

Thanksgiving 2001
Connor, Cassie, and Jackie - Cousins

Thanksgiving 2001
Uncle Otis and his beer

Thanksgiving 2001
Mitch always worked hard

Thanksgiving 2001
Paul supervised

Thanksgiving 2001
Asparagus prepared for roasting

Thanksgiving 2001
Aunt Net gets some assistance

Thanksgiving 2001
Smooth as a babies butt

Thanksgiving 2001
Kat and Edith always enjoyed the activities

Thanksgiving 2001
The men work hard in the kitchen

Thanksgiving 2001
Must sample the goodies

Thanksgiving 2001
Now tnis is pi....

Thanksgiving 2001
"I'm sleepy... Been a long morning preparing everyting"

Thanksgiving 2001
Head in the oven... Best way to check

Thanksgiving 2001

Thanksgiving 2001
Jeanette is all smiles

Thanksgiving 2001
Cassie comes to assist in the kitchen

Thanksgiving 2001
The girls (Kat and Edith) watch on