Turkey Thanksgiving 2016 At Old Ranch

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.  ~W.T. Purkiser

Thanksgiving Means Old Ranch With The "Empty Nesters" (Page One)

Page Created: 11/26/2016 Page Last Updated: 11/02/2024 14:44

Our first stop was Old Ranch Country Club where we have sixteen family and friends joining us to celebrate Thanksgiving.  

We were bless with Robin and Bob Duda, Contrad, Nita, Pete and Lisa Chartier, Marianne and Craig, Hans (The Turkey Tamer) and Kerstin, David and Gregor, Bernie and Irene, and of course Brian and Jan Finch (just back from rainy ol' England).

We witnessed the "Battle Of The Century" between Mr. "T" and Hans The Turkey Tamer...  An epic battle of skill and wit.  You must proceed to find our who won!

We then dropped by Joe and Amy's home (our son)  to visit them and of course, Amy's wonderful parents, and then off to La Habra to see our grandson Zachary and his bride of one year Becca.

Quotation To Remember: The funny thing about Thanksgiving, or any huge meal, is that you spend 12 hours shopping for it and then chopping and cooking and braising and blanching.  Then it takes 20 minutes to eat it and everybody sort of sits around in a food coma, and then it takes four hours to clean it up.  ~Ted Allen

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Vintage Postcard

Who was here (Click for full sized image)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Arturo knows how to greet our group!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Fresh flowers all around the room

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Yes indeed... Bloody Mary's do qualify as food!
(Part of the six basic food groups)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
...and champagne to wash it down!

We had another good idea!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Butternut Squash Soup, Rolls and Salad

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
So fresh you have to slap it!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
The turkeys were perfect..... But we have our own!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Hans will come and give the guys lessons on how to carve!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Prime rib was perfect...

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
...and some amazing salmon!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
The whole station was busy as can be...

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
The oysters were huge and they kept coming.... Sorry Vicky, we missed you!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
There were two huge containers of shrimp... Simply wonderful!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Butternut Ravioli, Roasted Green Beans, and Roasted Acorn Squash!

Did You Know? - Acorn squash is most commonly baked, but can also be microwaved, sauteed or steamed. For savory recipes, it may be stuffed with rice, meat or vegetable mixtures.

If a sweeter dish is desired, maple syrup is often used to fill the halves prior to baking, or used in a sauce or glaze to enhance the squash's flavor. The seeds of the squash can also be eaten, usually after being toasted first. Acorn squash can be used to prepare squash soup.

This squash is not as rich in beta-carotene as other winter squashes, but is a good source of dietary fiber and potassium, as well as smaller amounts of vitamins C and B, magnesium, and manganese.

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Mac and Cheese... A Thanksgiving favorite!

Did You Know? - Pasta and cheese casseroles have been recorded as early as the 14th century in the Italian cookbook by Brian Liber de Coquina, one of the oldest medieval cookbooks, which featured a dish of parmesan and pasta.

A cheese and pasta casserole known as makerouns was recorded in the famous medieval English cookbook, the Forme of Cury, which was also written in the 14th century.

It was made with fresh, hand-cut pasta which was sandwiched between a mixture of melted butter and cheese.

The recipe given (in Middle English) was "Take and make a thynne foyle of dowh. and kerve it on peces, and cast hem on boillyng water & seeþ it wele. take chese and grate it and butter cast bynethen and above as losyns. and serue forth." ("Make a thin foil of dough and cut it in pieces. Put them in boiling in water and seethe them well. Grate cheese and add it with butter beneath and above as with losyns [a dish similar to lasagne], and serve.")

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
...and oodles of fix ins' for the Mac and Cheese

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
The stuffing was delightful!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016 Mashed potatoes... A must!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016   Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016   Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Did You Know? - Yukon Gold is a large variety of potato most distinctly characterized by its thin, smooth eye free skin and yellow tinged flesh. This variety of potato was developed in the 1960s by G. R. Johnston , R.G. Rowberry , and Dr. Norman Thompson in Guelph, Ontario, Canada at the University of Guelph . The official cross was made in 1966 and the Yukon Gold was finally released into the market in 1980.

Unlike some other potato varietals the Yukon Gold can stand up to both dry heat and wet heat cooking methods. Its waxy moist flesh and sweet flavour make it ideal for boiling, baking and frying but these potatoes will also withstand grilling, pan frying, and roasting.

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Many kinds of desserts... We tried to avoid this table at all costs!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
The tables were decorated with flowers of the season

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Was there any doubt???

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
The gang begins to arrive!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Back from the UK and they noticed.... No rain, no clouds, no cold!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
What is this man up to?

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
We just toured the food stations!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
We had eighteen for Thanksgiving and it was no work at all!
Thank you Old Ranch!


Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
"Here's to you all! Happy Thanksgiving!"

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Bernie and Irene! This is Bernie's 95th Thanksgiving... Wow!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
OK... Will do!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Paul hit the seafood station... several times!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

It was a hard fought fight! Click for the full sized (2600x2400 px) image!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Did You Know? - Hans has NEVER carved a turkey before!  We voted him the official carver for the year 2016.   Next year, Brian The Turkey Slayer will take the position of honor and fight the beast.

Wusstest du schon? - Hans hat noch nie einen Truthahn geschnitzt! Wir stimmten ihm den offiziellen Carver für das Jahr 2016. Im nächsten Jahr wird Brian The Turkey Slayer die Position der Ehre einnehmen und das Biest bekämpfen.

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Mr. "T" weighs in at 14 pounds!
(Herr "T" wiegt bei 14 Pfund!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Our champion weighs in at 175 pounds (176 with apron)
(Unser Champion wiegt 175 Pfund -176 mit Schürze)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Hans gives "Mr. T" the evil eye before round one!
(Hans gibt "Mr. T" den bösen Blick vor der ersten Runde!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
"No problem... I have an attack plan now!"
("Kein Problem ... Ich habe jetzt einen Angriffsplan!")

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
The audience cheers! Conrad can't bear to look!
(Das Publikum jubelt! Conrad kann es nicht ertragen zu schauen!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Hans brings his secret weapons! And... They are sharp!
(Hans bringt seine Geheimwaffen! Und ... sie sind scharf!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Kerstin will act as an "unbiased" referee!
(Kerstin wird als "unvoreingenommener" Schiedsrichter agieren!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
The crowd seems worried!
(Die Menge scheint besorgt!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Arturo volunteers to go to the kitchen and get a first aid kit and smelling salts
(Arturo freiwillig in die Küche gehen und bekommen eine Erste-Hilfe-Kit und riechende Salze)

Did You Know? - Smelling salts, also known as ammonia inhalants, spirit of hartshorn or sal volatile, are chemical compounds used for arousing consciousness.

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Hans approaches carefully....
(Hans nähert sich ...)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
First contact... Hans... With a sharp thrust into the leg!
(Erster Kontakt ... Hans ... Mit einem scharfen Schub ins Bein!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Hans continues, rooted on by his loyal audience!
(Hans geht weiter, verwurzelt von seinem treuen Publikum!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
"I know there is a joint in there somewhere!"
("Ich weiß, da ist irgendwo ein Joint!")

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Ouch!!! Ouch!!   Mr. "T" cries fowl!
(Autsch!!! Autsch!! Herr "T" schreit Geflügel!)

Amazing!   As Hans fought with "T" while the audience was yelling "ouch", "oh", "stop it", etc. We all had a good laugh!

Tolle! Als Hans mit "T" kämpfte, während das Publikum schrie "autsch", "oh", "stop it", etc. Wir alle hatten ein gutes Lachen!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
"Hans... Give the knife a twist to the left... No, right... Ah, both!"
("Hans ... Geben Sie dem Messer eine Drehung nach links ... Nein, richtig ... Ah, beides!")

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Brian provides British aid
(Brian bietet britische Hilfe an)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
The International Brain Trust examines the bird!
English, German, and French!

(Der Internationale Brain Trust untersucht den Vogel!
Englisch, Deutsch und Französisch!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
"Hans... It has a hole in it!  What is inside the hole?"
("Hans ... Es hat ein Loch darin, was ist in dem Loch?")

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
"This is very entertaining!"    We learned that it is "No Shave November"

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
"This is just like watching Monty Python!"
("Dieses ist gerade wie das Ansehen von Monty Python!")

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
What is Hans thinking right now? We know!
(Was denkt Hans jetzt? Wir wissen!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Not true, Turkey... He is a better man than that....
(Du magst mich nur für meine Brüste)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
We are getting down to the last few strokes!  
Mr. T is wearing out and slowing down!

(Wir kommen auf die letzten Striche!
Mr. T trägt sich und verlangsamt sich!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
The natives are getting restless!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
"Victory for Hans The Turkey Tamer"
("Sieg für Hans The Turkey Tamer")

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Sue checks Mr. "T" and makes sure Hans gets some time to rest!

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
Finishing off Mr. T must be done carefully...   It's time to gobble it down
(Sue überprüft Mr. "T" und sorgt dafür, dass Hans etwas Zeit zum Ausruhen bekommt!)

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016
"A wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends"
("Ein wunderbares Thanksgiving mit Familie und Freunden und Hans Familie und Freunden in Deutschland")

Vintage Thanksgiving Postcards

Liles' Family Thanksgiving at Old Ranch Country Club 2016

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