Turkey Thanksgiving 2019 Has Arrived

A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.  ~Cicero

Welcome To The Celebration

Page Created: 11/26/2019 Page Last Updated: 11/05/2023 00:21

The time to celebrate has arrived and we did it in our traditional way, a feast at the Old Ranch Country Club followed by dessert with our son Joe at his home with his beautiful family!

We were saddened that Pete & Lisa could not make the celebration because of the severe rain storm in the San Diego area had the freeway backed up several hours so when they called, we suggested they stay home.

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Thanksgiving 2019
Robin and Sue, the Dynamic-Duo!

Thanksgiving 2019

Thanksgiving 2019
Keeping things organized and making sure everyone is happy

Thanksgiving 2019
We gather at the tab

A Thought! - "Thanksgiving is the meal we aspire for other meals to resemble."

Thanksgiving 2019
Welcome Traci, glad you joined us

Thanksgiving 2019
The Real Boss

Thanksgiving 2019
Welcome to Thanksgiving and we have a lot to give thanks for!

Thanksgiving 2019
Love is definitely in the air!

Thanksgiving 2019
Wine and Champagne, this will be a super party!

Thanksgiving 2019
Robin is something special!

Thanksgiving 2019
Greg makes the rounds... Will is dressed to the nine's

Thanksgiving 2019
Bill and Will jabbered the whole time

Funny Story Time! - So, Iris decided to go to New York and see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade leaving Will behind.

Thanksgiving Eve, Will began to miss he so he looked at his watch and thought "Hey, it's only 10:00 PM, I think I will call her!"

He called her, forgetting of the three hour time difference, it is 1:00 AM in New York!

Iris, being anxious to see the parade, called the front desk earlier in the evening and asked for a wake up call at 6:00 AM.

The phone rings, at 1:00 AM, and Iris picks up the phone and hangs it up (thinking it was the wake-up call).

Into the shower she goes, get's all ready to watch the parade and finally sits down before leaving the room.

She glances at the clock and it is only 2:30 AM.

She wondered who made the wake up call five hours early!!

Thanksgiving 2019
David, Rocco, and Greg

Thanksgiving 2019
We have eighteen today for the celebration

Thanksgiving Divorce

A man in Phoenix calls his son in New York the day before Thanksgiving and says,"I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough.

"Pop, what are you talking about?" the son screams. We can't stand the sight of each other any longer," the father says. "We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Chicago and tell her."

Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. "Like heck they're getting divorced," she shouts, "I'll take care of this,"

She calls Phoenix immediately, and screams at her father, "You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?" and hangs up.

The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. "Okay," he says, "they're coming for Thanksgiving and paying their own way."

Thanksgiving 2019
Tres Amigos

Thanksgiving 2019
The bird has just flown in from the Old Ranch kitchen!

Thanksgiving 2019
Indeed a beauty

Did You Know? - Thanksgiving Turkey Trivia

  • As far back as 1000 A.D., Native American Indians raised turkeys for food.
  • Turkeys originally existed in the eastern US.
  • Turkeys are actually a type of pheasant.
  • The heaviest turkey weighed in at 86 pounds.
  • Turkeys have excellent and a wide range of vision, about 270 degrees.
  • Mature turkeys have about 3,500 feathers.

Thanksgiving 2019
Everybody makes the rounds!

Thanksgiving 2019
Will says "Cut that turkey"

Thanksgiving 2019
Our Son Mitch is a professional "Turkey-ologist" and he gets the "
Honor Of The Carcass" today - Soup tomorrow!!

Thanksgiving 2019
With the precision of a surgeon, he begins the operation

Thanksgiving 2019
Hard to do with a 14" scapel! But he manages

Thanksgiving 2019
Nick made at least ten trips...so far!

Thanksgiving 2019
Mitch made it look like a machine carved the bird...steady hands!

Thanksgiving 2019
All smiles!

Thanksgiving 2019
The weather outside was frightful!
But inside it was quite delightful!

Thanksgiving 2019
Craig finished his eighth bowl of apple cobbler!

Thanksgiving 2019
Kerick said she was not hungry but we saw her
hit the buffet a couple of times!

Thanksgiving 2019
Marianne is looking for someone to talk too... We fixed the problem!

Thanksgiving 2019
Penny for her thoughts!

Did You Know? - A group of turkeys is technically called a "rafter", though they are often incorrectly referred to as a "gobble" or simply a "flock".

Thanksgiving 2019
Everybody get caught up on the latest!

Thanksgiving 2019
Ellen and Bill each have an ear to bend, a good thing!

Thanksgiving 2019
We sat after dinner and chatted for an hour...It is wonderful when our family gets together!

Thanksgiving 2019
A Happy Face?

Thanksgiving 2019
Who? Me?

Ain't that the truth!!

Thanksgiving 2019
No one rushed out to look for the pot of gold!

Thanksgiving 2019
The Kids Table??

Thanksgiving 2019
Kereck and Connor joined us, it was a nice visit!

Thanksgiving 2019
At last count there was 4,555,674,197,459,324 calories still on the table

Thanksgiving 2019
Chocolate cake disappeared quickly

Thanksgiving 2019
Amazing! The buffet is empty of people!

Thanksgiving 2019
Good for the diet!!

Thanksgiving 2019
Where is Vicky?

Thanksgiving 2019
Paul ate several just for Vicky!

Thanksgiving 2019
Watching everyone!

Thanksgiving 2019
A pair to draw to!

Thanksgiving 2019
Thank you Greg for the nice words!

Thanksgiving 2019
Glasses clink and smile flow

Thanksgiving 2019
Lift your glasses to good friendship and family

Thanksgiving 2019
The million-dollar smile

Thanksgiving 2019
Ellen & Bill

Thanksgiving 2019
Wonderful to have Ellen & Bill join the party!

Thanksgiving 2019
Bill &Will had a lengthy conversation

Thanksgiving 2019
Greg is about to take David home... Full tummy and two martini's!

Thanksgiving 2019
Irene and Ellen getting caught up

Thanksgiving 2019
The dining room is beginning to thin out

Thanksgiving 2019
Good bye all... See you soon!

Thanksgiving 2019
Craig and Marianne getting ready to depart

Thanksgiving 2019
The Billion-Dollar-Smile!

Thanksgiving 2019
Stories are told!

Thanksgiving 2019
Two hours of laughing and giggling

Thanksgiving 2019
Tony keeps the conversation going

Thanksgiving 2019
A special cake for Charlie

Thanksgiving 2019
The boys pop up when dessert is served

Thanksgiving 2019
Diane and Joe

Michele attempts to hide behind the plate