Turkey Thanksgiving 2013 Overview

To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.  ~Johannes A. Gaertner

It's Time To Be With Family And Friends! (Page One)

Page Created: 11/26/2013 Page Last Updated: 11/02/2024 14:44

Happy Thanksgiving from Paul & Sue

We Started With A Visit To The Harvest Festival On 10/18/2013 (Page Two)

The Harvest Festival is a collection of artists who sell their creations for the upcoming holiday season. Sue found some beautiful vlothes and other things! It's fun to see how creative people can be! We didn't take many pictures because the artists want to protect their work... We do not blame them so we honor their request.

After the festival we dined at one of our favorite Mexican Restaurants

Giving Thanks With Friends At Old Ranch (PageThree)

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