Here Come The Judge (Page Three)
The carving is about done so it is time to line them up and see what we have!
Quotation To Remember: Witch and ghost make merry on this last of dear October's days. ~Author unknown
The final touches are quite amazing
It's a beauty
"It's OK... He will be here soon!"
Texting each other???
Silver on black... Quite amazing!
Line up
"Hang on... Just another minute or two!
"Which ones are missing?"
Pete lights the candles
Quotation To Remember: After eating chocolate you feel godlike, as though you can conquer enemies, lead armies, entice lovers. ~Emily Luchetti
Irene's work of art...
"It's a beauty!"
Lot's of work in this one!
Light's off!
Who needs a light?
Nick's pumpkin was super!
Charlie Brown? Bob always does a super job
The pumpkins were great this year!
"It's OK Grandma... I'll take care of you!"
Smarty pants!
Where is Theo to take his bow?"
Franklyn made a pregnant spider.. We think?
Yes little guy.... You will have a good home to go to
All ready for the group picture
It's like herding cats!
Sue gets a ring side seat
OK.... Get ready!
The pumpkins and their parents look pretty good
Must add the baby!
One great group of talented people!
Time to head for home...
Quotation To Remember: Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story. ~Mason Cooley
Wine and pumpkin seeds... An excellent diet