'Twas The Night Of Halloween At Malarkey's When All Through The House.....
What should we do? We are too "old" to sit at home and besides, there are no kids tricking or treating anymore....
I know... Let's do what we normally do... Go to Malarkey's!
Thank you Oscar (The Manager) and Jennifer and Kelsey and Steven and Julianne and the rest of the super staff at Malarkey's.
Click for the full-sized image
Malarkey's is a very nice place and the staff is outstanding!
We had a super meal and several drinks... Several being two over five hours!
At Halloween, it is a time for ghosts and goblins and witches
Paul enjoys his new hair doo
It has a lot of potential
The sky lights up as the sun makes the final splash into the ocean!
As long as they are not coming to Malarkey's, we are OK!
Marianne and Craig join the group... A nice addition
Halloween 2012...
Del and Vicky (our next door neighbors) make for a perfect evening!
Halloween 2010....
We were hearing funny noises outside!
Irene adjusts her "anti-ghost" amulet!
Quotation To Remember: I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween. ~Author unknown
"Ghosts are afraid of my earnings..."
The menu deserves further examination
"Fooled you! This is the coloring book and puzzle"
"By golly... I think he is right!"
"I'm telling.... You almost used yellow!"
"Use whatever color you want! It's your artwork"
Halloween 2013
"I have a ghost story to tell.... It is frightening!"
One upon a time there were two "poor" CHP Officers... They needed to make a little money on the side!
A friend told them to "sell cantaloupes along Whittier Blvd. and they make extra money! It's safe!"
"Good idea. Outdoors... Good money... Safe" exclaimed Del!
Del and his friend got a big trailer and loaded it up with cantaloupes.... Magical canteloupes!
Sales were pretty good and even some police officer stopped by to see what the "poor" CHP'ers were doing.
Del's partner had to go to work but the trailer was connected to his car. Del exclaims "I have an idea, let's use the tire jack to hold up the tongue of the trailer while you are gone!"
"Great idea Del" says his partner. Pump pump pump and the tongue is away from the trailer ball. But, all of a sudden the trailer begins to wobble!
Del has another "great idea"... He attempts to stabilize the trailer and then the jack gives way.... Down it goes... Where it stops Del sure knows!
Two broken toes... To the hospital... Five weeks off-work!
"It was years before Del would allow a cantaloupe in the house!"
Vicky tells of another tire jack story.... Too scary.... We had to change subjects!
A wicked tool of evil ghosts and gouls! Do you remember these???
Craig listens intently!
Irene remembers a story about a witch... A nice witch... Which witch?
Halloween 2011
"Love those stories!"
Malarkey's has everything to please the customers palet!
"Decisions... Oh, look Del... They have cantaloupe!"
Penny for Del's thoughts right now!
Quotation To Remember: Eat, drink and be scary. ~Author unknown
"No cantaloupe!"
Deep in thought!"
"The traffic was pretty light"
Halloween 2010
"Vicky almost got her grammar correction pencil out!"
Working up a storm!
"Bob... Do the stamps go on the outside or inside?"
"Someone dangled his participle!"
Craig devours the "hamburger"... But what was it really?
"Oh no! These were bat's wings!"
Halloween 2010
Paul enjoys the new "doo".... Keeps his head warm!
Romance is in the air...
"Oh oh.... I think it is catching!"
Halloween 2011
Dang.... Let's do that again!
Yeah Yeah... The gang's all here!
A bat's eye view!
Paul attempts to scare the bat away...
Ah... Guess we gotta go home...
"Good night all.... Thanks for folding!"
"Perhaps we should do this every other month about three weeks
ahead of the Starlighters dance
Looking pretty spooky in black and white
Donna finds a dance partner
Bob and Del have a ride home!