Celebrating At The Ranch 10/29/2019

A grandmother pretends she doesn't know who you are on Halloween. ~Erma Bombeck

Everybody Gets Into The Act At Old Ranch!

A Quote To Remember - "I'm so happy that Halloween falls on a Wednesday this year!" said no teacher ever. ~Author unknown

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Lynn passes out goodies to Ernie and John

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Butterfingers John?

Did you know? - Butterfinger is the name of a candy bar made by Nestlé. It has a flaky, orange-colored center somewhat similar in texture and taste to peanut brittle, that is coated in compound chocolate.

Butterfinger was invented by the Curtiss Candy Company of Chicago, Illinois, in 1928. The company held a public contest to choose the name of the candy dress. The name is a slang term used to describe a clumsy person, often in sporting events to describe an athlete who can't hold onto the ball. As an early publicity stunt and marketing ploy, the company dropped Butterfinger and Baby Ruth candy bars from airplanes in cities across the United States which helped increase its popularity. The Butterfinger candy bar was later sold to Nabisco, and, in 1990, Nestlé bought Baby Ruth and Butterfinger from Nabisco.

Two of the slogans currently used to advertise the candy bar are "Follow the Finger" and "Break out of the ordinary!" Prior to these, Bart Simpson and other characters from Fox's The Simpsons appeared in numerous advertisements for the product from 1990 to 2001, with the slogans "Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger!", "Bite my Butterfinger!", and "Nothin' like a Butterfinger!" However, when Butterfinger dropped the Simpsons as a spokesperson, a Simpsons episode called "Sweets and Sour Marge" included a scene involving Butterfinger bars being unable to be burned, a character saying "even the fire doesn't want them."

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
A Gypsy Princess and a Golf Pro -  Great costumes

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Veronica is wearing an "Udderly" amazing costume

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
David models his latest outfit.. Scaring people half to death

Did you know? - There are many different kinds of cross-dressing and many different reasons why an individual might engage in cross-dressing behaviour. Some people cross-dress as a matter of comfort or style. They prefer clothing associated with the opposite sex. In this case, a person's cross-dressing may or may not be appearent to other people. Some people cross-dress to shock others or challenge social norms. Both men and women may cross-dress to disguise their physical gender identity. Historically, some women have cross-dressed to take up male-dominated or male-exclusive professions, such as military service. Conversely, some men have cross-dressed to escape from mandatory military service.

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Brittney is in the house!

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
"Who needed a doctor???"

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
"I'm here now"

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Dream girl!

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Don't let Sue find out!

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Ah so!

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Yes... He is dressed up as the Boss

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
She is too nice to be the Queen Of Hearts

Did you know? - The Queen of Hearts is a character from the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by the writer and mathematician Lewis Carroll. She is a foul-tempered monarch, that Carroll himself pictured as "a blind fury", and who is quick to decree death sentences at the slightest offense. Her most famous line, one which she repeats often, is "Off with their heads!"

The Queen is referred to as a card from a pack of playing cards by Alice, yet somehow she is able to talk and is the ruler of the lands in the story, alongside the King of Hearts. She is often confused with the Red Queen from the sequel, Through the Looking-Glass, although the two are very different.

Alice is recommended, by three gardening playing cards (who are painting roses so that they are the right colour for the Queen), to drop down on the ground to avoid being confronted by her. She is confused, and having never met the Queen, ignores this advice. When the Queen arrives and asks Alice who is lying on the ground (since the backs of all playing cards look alike), Alice tells her that she does not know. The Queen then becomes frustrated and commands that her head be severed. She is deterred by her comparatively moderate husband by being reminded that Alice is only a child.

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
How Minnie

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
No one messes with him!

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Go Sylvia!  The heck with the Dodgers

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Cowboy Juan driving the drinks back to the tables

Did you know? - A cowboy is an animal herder who tends cattle on ranches in North America, traditionally on horseback, and often performs a multitude of other ranch-related tasks. The historic American cowboy of the late 19th century became a figure of special significance and legend.

A subtype, called a wrangler, specifically tends the horses used to work cattle. In addition to ranch work, some cowboys work for or participate in rodeos.

Cowgirls, first defined as such in the late 19th century, had a less-well documented historical role, but in the modern world have established the ability to work at virtually identical tasks and obtained considerable respect for their achievements.

There are also cattle handlers in many other parts of the world, particularly South America and Australia, who perform work similar to the cowboy in their respective nations.

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
No comment!

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
He is going to break out in a hula momentairly

Did you know? - Hula (pronounced /ˈhuːlə/) is a dance form accompanied by chant or song. It was developed in the Hawaiian Islands by the Polynesians who originally settled there. The chant or song is called a mele. The hula dramatizes or comments on the mele.

There are many styles of hula. They are commonly divided into two broad categories: Ancient hula, as performed before Western encounters with Hawai'i, is called kahiko. It is accompanied by chant and traditional instruments. Hula as it evolved under Western influence, in the 19th and 20th centuries, is called 'auana. It is accompanied by song and Western-influenced musical instruments such as the guitar, the ʻukulele, and the double bass.

Terminology for two main additional categories is beginning to enter the hula lexicon: "Monarchy" includes many hula which were composed and choreographed during the 19th century. During that time the influx of Western culture created significant changes in the formal Hawaiian arts, including hula. "Ai Kahiko", meaning "in the ancient style" are those hula written in the 20th and 21st centuries that follow the stylistic protocols of the ancient hula kahiko.

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Geoff is going the dishes

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Peewee Herman has arrived

Happy Hours Is Underway!

Old Ranch Halloween 2009

Old Ranch Halloween 2009

Old Ranch Halloween 2009
Ah.... Err.... James is smiling???

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