Paul's Real Birthday Day

"He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree." -- Roy L. Smith

Today Is It

I am officially old as dirt! 

Today, I am eighty years old, and let me tell you, I feel every single year! My back is officially declaring independence, and my knees are trying to negotiate a peace treaty. Even my cake had candles so big, they were threatening to start a fire! At this rate, I'm one birthday away from just being a walking history book. But hey, at least I can finally use "back in my day" without hesitation!

I had the cough return and didn't feel great, but I muddled through it anyway; what else can you do? We went to the torture chamber and got bent and twisted in many unnatural positions; near the end, I felt like Gumby! When my trainer says to twenty reps, I begin counting by five!

The entire gym had to sing Happy Birthday, so I was glad it was a small gym, and the voices did NOT carry across the parking lot or to the Villa Park Police Station next door.

After the exercise, I was glad to be standing upright!

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Mary had a doctor's appointment in Los Alamitos, so we jumped in The Silver Fox, our trusty steed, and zoomed up the 22. The Fox thought he was practicing for Christmas Eve, and he was passing everyone like they were standing still. It turns out they were; we passed a car lot!

My iPhone battery was on life support and I forgot the cord (Our iPhones have different plugs, what a pain!). We stopped at Staples, jumped out, and bought new cords for the car. Arriving at the doctor's office, I stayed in the car and brought the iPhone back to life.

We called Miss Vicky and tempted her with oysters at The Fish Company; it worked, and she joined us. The three of us carried on for an hour having their rainbow trout, which is fantastic.

Rainbow trout are known for their striking colors and patterns, which vary depending on their age, environment, and spawning conditions. They have small black spots and a reddish band on either side of their bodies.

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Escaping the Fish Company with presents for Dianne!

We got some clam chowder and brought it to Dianne on the way home.  Afterwards we spend the evening together watching Christmas movies.  It was a nice birthday!!

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I go to bed thinking of her and wake up thinking of her; it's a wonderful way to go through life

To The Next Christmas Event

Joy To The World