Christmas 2005

Keep your Christmas-heart open all year round.  ~Jessica Archmint

What A Year!

Sue and Paul

One super year! Sue has completed most of her recovery and you can't ask for anything better than that! We are doing our Christmas traditions so join us for the fun. Our first activity is a visit to Disneyland to see the decorations .

We start decorating the day after Thanksgiving .  The Five Crowns and Rogers Gardens and the Nutcracker are obligatory. This year we added " White Christmas " in Los Angeles and we go ballroom dancing wherever... this year at the Balboa Bay Club.

NO Christmas without " A Christmas Carol " at SCR.  We saw the Nutcracker and went to Disneyland again after Christmas for the Camera Wars . We also took a " Walk Through Naples " with members of our dance class and or instructor. 

The annual Christmas Play comes next followed by Disneyland for Christmas Eve and finally Christmas Day with the family! 

Again we will miss Jonathan, Cassie and Jackie. Robin, Bob and Nick will join us for Christmas fun again this year, Yeah!

The Christmas Collage

Click for a full sized collage 3200px by 2400px

Just Us

What can this be? A present from the Post Office for me?

The beast roams Napels after seeing all of the lights. ... and the Beast!

Paul & Sue at the Annual Christmas Play in Claremont.