Liles' Family Christmas 2010

For the spirit of Christmas fulfills the greatest hunger of mankind.  ~Loring A. Schuler

Christmas 2010 With The Liles'

It's going to be a great Christmas season for we know what it is all about!  This year it began with Robin, Bob, and Nick assisting us with decorating!  They gave us the chance to go dancing two nights in a row instead of staying home and recuperating from decorating!  Check this years activities .

Merry Christmas

In these ten years we have lost aunt Edith and Uncle Otis but we have gained many new family and friends!  Sarge and Flower are still protecting us and we think a lot about Tia, Valentine, Pinkey, and Mickey.

Our family has grown with Michele and Robin and their families... A good thing!

Our dancing and golf friends make life a joy!

Life is different these days as we are retired and enjoying life to the fullest.  Golf and dancing occupies most of our time and Christmas is not the big family get together anymore as they have to have their own traditions!

In keeping with "A Christmas Story" we are eating Chinese on Christmas Day and plan on singing Jingle Bells at the top of our lungs with Carri and the Cathey's at Panda Palace! Tra Ra Ra Ra Ra, Ra Ra Ra Ra!

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Decorating Ten Years Apart

Decorating the house has always been a lot of work but a lot of fun.  As years go by we see more and more ornaments and goodies we never saw before... I think they call it Alzheimer's!

In 2000

Decorating in 2000   Decorating in 2000

Decoration 10 years ago 2000   Decoration 10 years ago 2000
Ten years ago Eddie, Pete and Jon helped decorate the tree! Grandma and the bears! Our little trees are smiling and Pete and Eddie do the outside lights

In 2010

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010   Decorating 2010

Decorating 2010   Decorating 2010
Christmas gets underway 30 seconds after Thanksgiving completes and with help from the Duda's this year we could go dancing in the evenings!

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Christmas Play Ten Years Apart

We started going twenty plus years ago just by ourselves and then we began to add family and loved ones as time moved on!  It was mostly family years ago but many are now gone, unable to join us, or have their own traditions and families so we have added our dear dancing friends to the mix!  It's 30+ this year!

In 2000

Christmas Play 2000   Christmas Play 2000

Christmas Play 2000   Christmas Play 2000
Ten years ago Jon and Zack on stage (Connor is somewhere) with Santa while Grandma and Grandpa watch. We since lost Otis and Edith and Kat has no memory of these events ... Colleen and Cassie are all smiles

In 2010

Christmas Play 2000   Christmas Play 2000

Christmas Play 2000   Christmas Play 2000
Yes Bob, the dessert is this big! On stage after the show...

Christmas Play 2000
In 2010
we had several new folks to our happy group as the kids moved on and went their own ways.   Monica, Brian and Jan, Javier and Delia, Bob and Donna... We had a ball... all 30 of us!

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We Enjoy Our Christmas Parties

So as everybody knows when one thing goes, something else has to take its place.  We had to give up office parties for wine tasting, dang!  Excellent trade we believe

2000 (Office Party At Spagattini's)

Christmas 2000 work   Christmas 2000 work
Cathy and Robin....  Grandpa with Zack

Christmas 2000 work   Christmas 2000 work
Sue wondering why she is NOT retired yet...  Jon, Sue, and Laurie

2010 (Party In Temecula and Old Ranch)

Christmas Play 2000   Christmas Play 2000
Bob and Carri with Sue and Paul

Christmas Play 2000   Christmas Play 2000
AJ and Laura with the champagne drinkers

Christmas Play 2000
Monica, Carri, Bunny, Paul, Sue, and Ernie

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The Real Traditions Last Forever Or 47 Years, Whatever Comes First

Disneyland is what we do Christmas Eve.  Our neighbor across the street, a Sherriff and neighbors who are both CHP officers watch the house and the babies while we are gone and we bring them back a Disney gift.

In 2000

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2000   Disneyland Christmas Eve 2000
Yeah yeah the gang is all here!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2000   Disneyland Christmas Eve 2000
Ten years ago at Disneyland we had a gaggle of family with us.  Pete's family was visiting from Connecticut

In 2010

Christmas Play 2000   Christmas Play 2000
Rainforest Cafe... It's tradition but so is the tour!

Christmas Play 2000   Christmas Play 2000
Sue gets an invite to Christmas dessert from Mitch while Carri and Paul take in the flag ceremony

Christmas Play 2000   Christmas Play 2000
Dinner at Catal... It's tradition and the fireworks and snow is also

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Christmas Day Was A Big Family Celebration

For many years the house was full of life with friends and relatives coming from all over.  we peaked at 24 one Christmas when the Lind's joined us.  Not so much anymore as families get their own traditions.

In 2000

Christmas Day 2000   Christmas Day 2000
Gaggles of kids everywhere

Christmas Day 2000   Christmas Day 2000
Ten years ago it was an all day affair

In 2010

Christmas Play 2000

In 2010 we are by ourselves since family has moved on!  We decided to go to the Chinese Restaurant and celebrate becuase of the movie "A Christmas Story"

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Back In History about 70+ Years:

Paul as cowboy
Paul as a cowboy 1948... That was

Christmas Play 2000
Paul and Tom 1948... The gun was always handy

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Christmas candle