Busy Day! Korean Luncheon With Hannah

Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.  ~Janice Maeditere

Zip Zip Zoom (12/12/2010) Page One

Really bad!

Today was a busy one beginning with church at 10:00 and a visit to a Korean Restaurant so Hannah could get a food fix before traveling north to home in San Jose.

We dropped he off at the airport after lunch and  decided to go dancing for a while instead of driving all the way home.

We then went VFR to the Newport Bay Elks Lodge to dance the afternoon away with friends.  We had an "open house" at 5:00 in Anaheim so we departed about 4:15 and headed East.

We met up with everybody at Brian and Jan's for some serous kibitzing (a word for Christmas fun!).  Life is not only good, it is excellent!


Hannah and Vicky were with us this morning

Dining Korean Style And Airport Drop Off

Did you know? - Korean cuisine originated from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in the Korean peninsula and southern Manchuria, and has evolved through a complex interaction of environmental, political, and cultural trends.

Time to eat Korean
Looking good

Did you know? - Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, noodles, tofu, vegetables, and meats. Traditional Korean meals are noted for the number of side dishes (banchan) that accompany steam-cooked short-grain rice. Kimchi is usually served at every meal. Commonly used ingredients include sesame oil, doenjang (fermented bean paste), soy sauce, salt, garlic, ginger, pepper flakes and gochujang (fermented red chili paste).

Enough talk, time to eat!
The Mona Lisa smile at work

Dining etiquette in Korea can be traced back to the Confucian philosophies of the Joseon period. Guidebooks such as Sasojeol (士小節, Elementary Etiquette for Scholar Families) written in 1775 by Yi Deokmu (李德懋), comment on the dining etiquette for the period. Suggestions include items such as "when you see a fat cow, goat, pig, or chicken, do not immediately speak of slaughtering, cooking or eating it", "when you are having a meal with others, do not speak of smelly or dirty things, such as boils or diarrhea," "when eating a meal, neither eat so slowly as to appear to be eating against your will nor so fast as if to be taking someone else's food. Do not throw chopsticks on the table. Spoons should not touch plates, making a clashing sound", amongst many other recommendations which emphasized proper table etiquette.

She is happy now
Yum yum!

The eldest male at the table was always served first, commonly served to them in the men's quarters by the women of the house. Women usually dined in a separate portion of the house after the men were served. The eldest men or women always ate before the younger family members. The meal was usually quiet, as conversation was discouraged during meals. In modern times these rules have become lax, as families usually dine together now and use the time to converse. Of the remaining elements of this decorum, one is that the younger members of the table should not pick up their chopsticks or start eating before the elders of the table ~ Wikipedia

Fire in the hold
Fried port with lettuce KimChee!

Excellent food
Plenty to fill us up for the entire day

Excellent food
"What happened to your food Hannah?"

Disappearing act
"It just disappeared"

Newport Bay Elks Dancing

We met the Robert's at Newport and we danced for two hours before heading East to the Finch's

Newport Bay aerial

Map to the Elks

At the Lodge

To the party
On our way!

Page 1 - Hannah Heads For Home  |   Page 2 - The Party Begins
Page 3 - So Far So Good  |   Page 4 - The Fun Continues