Day Fourteen - Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

Tropical state of mind

Thursday - April 18, 2024 Arrive 7:00AM - Depart 4:00PM   (Daily Diary Synopsis)

We arrived early and watched this flat piece of land get closer and closer.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

We are going in the nice warm water and visit the sting rays.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
What a marvelous day!

Did You Know? - Grand Cayman is the largest of the Cayman Islands, a British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean. George Town, its capital, is home to the Cayman Islands National Museum, dedicated to Caymanian heritage.

Grand Cayman encompasses 76% of the territory's entire land mass. The island is approximately 22 miles (35 km) long with its widest point being 8 miles (13 km) wide.

The elevation ranges from sea level at the beaches to 60 feet (18 m) above sea level on the North Side's Mastic Trail. Unlike many other Caribbean islands, Grand Cayman is for the most part, flat. This allows for more space to build as the island's population grows.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
We were not alone!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
The city uses its own boats to transfer people back and forth.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Almost two hundred at a time.

The Grand Cayman Cruise Port is a tender port, and there are three terminals: South, North, or Royal Watler Terminals.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
How to feel small!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
See you old friend.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Needs a little paint touch up.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Some people are just plain weird.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Mary has the tickets.

Did You Know? - The tap water across all three Cayman Islands is clean, wholesome and very much safe to drink! All of the tap water we get on-Island is desalinated seawater produced using reverse osmosis. The process begins with the extraction of raw feed water from wells drilled deep into the limestone bedrock beneath Cayman.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
The shops were quite busy with tourists . 
Royal Watler is the name of the cruise terminal!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Off we go!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
They drive on the wrong side of the street!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
They said you might get wet, they were not kidding.

Did You Know? - Stingray City is a series of shallow sandbars found in the North Sound of Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. It is a tourist attraction, where southern stingrays are found in abundance and visitors can pet and interact with the animals.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
The sandbar is straight ahead.

Did You Know? - A sandbar is a ridge of sand built up by currents especially in a river or in coastal waters.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
We had some company.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
We finally got a spot and anchored to the bottom.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
We got off the back of the ship and down a four foot ladder.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
We had friends almost immediately.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Goochy goochy goo!

Did You Know? - The southern stingray is a whip-tail stingray found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Western Atlantic Ocean from New Jersey to southern Brazil. It has a flat, diamond-shaped disc, with a mud brown, olive, and grey dorsal surface and white underbelly.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
The sucker had teeth.

Did You Know? - A southern stingray terrifies visitors at the touch pool within the Georgia Aquarium's Georgia Explorer exhibit In many parts of the Caribbean such as Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands and Antigua, the southern stingray swims with divers and snorkelers, and are hand fed at locations such as Stingray City and the Sandbar.

They can be hand fed at a location called Gibbs Cay. Some have become tame enough to be cradled in visitors' arms and feed with pieces of cut up fish.

This docile and food-reward driven behavior has led to many locals comparing the hand-fed and belly-rubbed stingray to an over-fed household canine.

There are concerns that this feeding, and the high levels of interaction with humans, may be having some negative impacts on their behavior and ecology

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
He or she seemed friendly.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Kiss what??

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Sure. I'll do it!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
That damned thing was French!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
He wanted to get in on the action!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Go away, we are busy!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
The camera person was doing the best she could as the waves were 3-4 feet high at times.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
The water was probably 93-95 degrees.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
The water was clear as a bell.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Time to head back!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Looking for a Great White?

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Enjoying the ride and drying off.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Checkout the shirt.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Heading back to the dock.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
The island is so very clean and full of English folks.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
One come in and one goes out.

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
The Mayor says "Hello!"

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Snacks await!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
This was dinner tonight!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
Mary attempts to levitate my martini!

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
"What do you mean, attempt?"

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
"Look, it is 1/4 off the table!"

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island
We were done for the night... off to our room!
(We need to get these for the next trip!!)

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

2024-04-14 Grand Caymen Island

Day 15 - At Sea