Day Thirteen - At Sea

Don’t mind me, taking the sea-nic route

Wednesday - April 17, 2024  (Daily Diary Synopsis)

We are at sea again heading toward Grand Caymen Island. We are going to heading toward Cuba.

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea

At sea and time to relax!

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
The sea was extremely calm.

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
Fresh flowers were everywhere.

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
On a warm spring day??

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
Chop Chop has his axe.

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
Chips were flying everywhere.

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
It is taking shape.

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
There is a flower on the top for sure.

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
An Hawaiian little grass shack!

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
Look closely.

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
It melts fast!

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea

It was dinner time and David likes sweet cocktails so I went to work ordering whatevery I could find online.   There were some amazing names and amazing flavors.

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea

We had to have some real food!

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
Mary lit up the restaurant.

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
Nope! It is NOT dessert. It is an Italian cheese on tomatoes and olives.

Day 13 2024-04-13 Day At Sea
We keep busy!

Tonight was Formal #3 but we gave up and danced and crashed... Getting old is a full time job!

Day 14 - Grand Caymen Island