Wednesday - April 17, 2024 (Daily Diary Synopsis)
We are at sea again heading toward Grand Caymen Island. We are going to heading toward Cuba.
At sea and time to relax!
The sea was extremely calm.
Fresh flowers were everywhere.
On a warm spring day??
Chop Chop has his axe.
Chips were flying everywhere.
It is taking shape.
There is a flower on the top for sure.
An Hawaiian little grass shack!
Look closely.
It melts fast!
It was dinner time and David likes sweet cocktails so I went to work ordering whatevery I could find online. There were some amazing names and amazing flavors.
We had to have some real food!
Mary lit up the restaurant.
Nope! It is NOT dessert. It is an Italian cheese on tomatoes and olives.
We keep busy!
Tonight was Formal #3 but we gave up and danced and crashed... Getting old is a full time job!