Day Three - Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Exploring new horizons

Sunday - April 07, 2024 Arrive 1:00PM - Depart 10:00PM (Daily Diary Synopsis)

Millennia ago, Cabo San Lucas was part of the Mexican mainland. Then a massive rupture of the San Andreas Fault sent the waters of the Pacific crashing into the newly formed depression, creating the Sea of Cortez and the Baja Peninsula.

Lying at the very tip of Baja, where the Pacific meets the Sea of Cortez, Cabo San Lucas - or "Cabo" - is one of the premier resort destinations in the Western Hemisphere.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
On the bright side, we did not have to drive 1150 miles!


2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We entered the bay early in the morning.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
The hotels were on the sides of the hills at the north of the city.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico

Mary decides to take Yoga classes.  Paul tried but after six minutes of falling over and making bodily sounds, Paul goes for the bicycles (the ones with the safety belt).

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Pointing straight up to the ceiling!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
"Do not take my picture" says she!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
"Oh come on now,help me up!"

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Someone will be sore late on!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
I did us a little AI to help along!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico

I do not "need" the cane but I use it so the pressure on the legs is a little less hoping the sciatica will stay in check!    We checked at the front desk and they had it.  Mary put a mailing label on it; she is bright!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
The nice man located the cane and I was ready to go!

Did You Know? - A purser is a ship officer who handles money, documents, and administration for the ship's passengers and crew. On modern merchant ships, the purser is also in charge of the ship's cargo and passenger manifests. The purser also keeps money and valuables for the passengers. On passenger ships, the purser is also responsible for the comfort and welfare of the passengers

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
While we were there, we gave the purser the list of music we wanted in the dance lounge!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico

We did not sign up for a tour today and just waited on the ship until the crowds were gone before taking the water taxi to the dock. We had breakfast at the through and a morning drink in the lounge to pass the time away.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Trying to make a decision, Orange juice or Watermelon juice?

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
I settled for a good BM
(Bloody Mary)

The tenders were going back and forth all day long.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Our ship had the orange tenders.

Did You Know? - A tender boat, also known as a tender, is a small craft that travels between a larger ship or yacht and performs tasks that the bigger boat cannot. Tenders are often used to transport passengers between a cruise ship and the port when the ship is unable to dock. Tenders are usually carried by the cruise ship and can often double as a lifeboat. They are designed to be highly maneuverable and hard to break, and most have padding all around to protect them and any ships they are near.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
From the tenders we had a great view of the other vessels that were in port.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Someone has a lot of money!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
The first ship is a super upscale new entry to the cruising circuit.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
It was an imposing vessel.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We jumped into the tender from the side of the Princess.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Someone is a happy girl.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We were off to the races.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We could have stayed on board but decided to see the town.

2024-04-12 Another Day At Sea Readying For The Panama Canal

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Finally we made it to the dock.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We had a friend welcoming us to the city.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico

This guy was 65 years old and offered to take us to the shopping center about two miles away! The guy could peddle and he knew everyone because everyone honked at him.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We were zooming along at top speed!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
The city was relatively clean with a lot of American cultural icons along the way!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Senior Frog was everywhere!

With locations in Mexico, United States and the Caribbean, Señor Frog's is known for spreading its party ambiance and good humor at each of the cities and beach destinations where it has a location. The concept was founded in 1971. Grupo Anderson's operates about 21 restaurants in total, mostly in Mexico and the Caribbean.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We did not go in as we were on a mission!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
The traffic was mild in the city.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
The stores were loaded and ready for the tourists!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Anybody need a T-Short?

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
There were restaurants everywhere.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We almost stopped for a drink but we decided not to take a risk!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Just like a Rickshaw but without Rick!

Walmart in Cabo San Lucas
Walmart is everywhere!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
The makeup problem is solved! The trip can continue!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We had a blast riding around town.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We stopped at the shopping center and Mary went inside. He wanted $40 for his effort, Mary and I decided to make him very happy and gave him $100!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Artists using chopped up old license plates!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We almost bought one for our front yard decor.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Ms. White asked which letter I wanted to have!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
I am ready to go back to the ship!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
The cane was helpful!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We sat up top on the way home.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico 

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Idling out of the harbor enabled us to see all the other vessels.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Do you see the bird on the front of the boat?

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
It was late afternoon; every boat was a party boat!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Mary found the hair dryer!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Lookin' good girl!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
A ten minute ride and we were back to civilization!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
She awaits our arrival!

2024-04-12 Another Day At Sea Readying For The Panama Canal
We have our drinks so life is good!

2024-04-12 Another Day At Sea Readying For The Panama Canal
"Wanna play ball?"

2024-04-12 Another Day At Sea Readying For The Panama Canal
We are having too much fun!

2024-04-12 Another Day At Sea Readying For The Panama Canal

2024-04-12 Another Day At Sea Readying For The Panama Canal
OK, time for dinner.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Paul could not get enough of these little fellas!

Did You Know? - Scallops have between 50–200 eyes that are located around the edges of their mantle. These eyes are often a bright blue color.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
As we dined, the tender/lifeboats were hoisted back to the mother ship!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Someone was tired!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
My steak was fantastic!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
A twenty-five year old scotch made the day perfect!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We drank and drank: water, scotch, wine, coffee, and tea!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Paul taste tested the martini versus the chardonnay!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
The decision was made!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Nope, one more taste1

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
It was a draw!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We met David at the dance lounge and he and Mary tripped the light fantastic.

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Mary and I kicked up some serious dust!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
People were coughing for thirty feet away!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico
We walked to the trough for a late night coffee and dessert before crashing!

2024-04-07 Day 3 is Cabo San Lucas Mexico

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Day 4 - At sea and the eclipse!