Day Nine - Heading Home

No man needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Day Nine (Thursday 1/19/024) - Off To A Plantation And The The Airport!

We are heading home after a great week on Maui but one last thing to do, visit a pineapple plantation!


2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Mary checked out and thee desk clerk asked if any of the three thongs they found near the pool belonged to Mr. Liles 
(I made a mistake and put my name in them!)

PAul in a thong

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation


It was a 45 minute drive.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
We found a Mom & Pop restaurant in the neighboring town and had lunch!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Mary chose a quesadilla.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
I went for the local specials!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
It was called "Slurp and Burp"

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation


2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation


2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
7,000 acres of pineapples.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
The soil looks so rich; The black plastic is mulch!

Did You Know? Since their composition is based on corn starch and vegetable oils and is GMO-free, once degraded, the films will transform into compost to aid in crop growth

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
The mulch disintegrates with time.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Eleven square miles of plantation!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
The eastern coast of Maui is visible in the background.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
The berries are forming n the outside of the plant.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
They start small!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Smart worms, they ingest poison to keep their prey away!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
A new crop about a year away from harvesting.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Beautiful on its own!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Top view provides an interesting perspective.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Our guide, Shilo, knew his stuff!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Plus he is funny!!



2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Pineapple bones after the guide passed FRESH pineapple around.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Getting ready for harvest.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Hand picked to avoid machine errors.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
How to grow your own!  The packing shed was not being used today1

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
We ought to eat more!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Mary caught the details of how to plant the pineapple.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation


2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Right across the street from the pineapple plantation packing shed.

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
We sat and watched the trucks race by!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
French fries and wine, what a combination!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
We love just being together!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
The flowers needed their pictures taken!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Reds and greens; time for Christmas?

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
The porch was a perfect place to sit.


2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
The tram cometh!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Step right on!


2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
We could watch all the activities!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
Out comes the cards; she beats me every time!

2024-01-20 Day 9 Going Home Via The Plantation
She likes cards; I shall learn to like cards!



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