Day Four - The Beach Goes On!

No man needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Day Four (Monday 1/13/2024)  - It's Monday Morning And School Begins At 6:30am!

Mary is all dressed up and ready to go to the classroom. She has her books, notepad, phone, purse, and of of course her sign so she knows who she is!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Bye for now!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On

Paul hits the buffet; he is now considered "a regular"!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
The birds await their meal!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
I ordered a super duper omlete and that is exactly what I got!!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
The peskiest birds on the island are here again!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
I just know he is planned a poop!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
I took the secret passage back to the room!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Over the hills and through the woods, to Mary's room I go!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Follow the Yellow Brick, oops, Flagstone Road!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Poor little girls was taking up a collection for her new bathing suit.

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On


2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
The sun was setting!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
We made it in time for dinner!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Oh dear, this gave Mary an idea! Paul needs a "cover-up"/

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
I did not think it was funny at all!

There was a pool bar by the ADULT POOL so no screaming rug rats!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Just a small snack before dinner.  The oysters were delicious.

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Yummy!  Where is Vicky??

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On   2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Mary had a wine to help her get though the next two hours.

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On   2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Mary had a wine to help her get though the next two hours.

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On

Mary went to the "Banyan Tree" activity after lunch and met up with some old friends. I went directly to the dinner restaurant and got our table. When Mary came in, she had two additional people in tow....oops! The manager took care of the situation. Mary and her friends were seated and I ended up washing dishes in the kitchen.

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
The dolphins attempted to guard the pathway, I sneaked behind them!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
We had a perfect table for four.

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
The lower the Sun the brighter the sunset!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Okay, who ordered the fish!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Dang, he was a biggie!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
His insides were perfectly done!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Goodbye, we will miss you!   He laughed so hard, he split his sides! LITERALLY.

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Sally enjoyed the fish!

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Five minutes and the sun will set.

2024-01-15 Day 4 The Educations Goes On
Paul and Sally made great table mates; we jabbered for two hours!

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