Day Eight (Thursday 1/18/024) - School Is Finally Over!
The last day of class and it was time to celebrate. Mary finished the CME and we found a new restaurant that was on-property but unknown to us!
After last night, Mary was looking for an obedience school for Paul. Hey, after her fifth request, I came down from the coconut tree.
One more time at the trough! There were a few things I did not try, yet!
It was a glorious day in paradise!
The surf was back to normal!
One last look at the reason I gained nine pounds!
List to them, they are saying, "Eat me!"
How did I ever miss the lox and bagels?
They are saying, Aloha, Chubby!" Rude little suckers for sure.
Even the Bird Of Paradise is going to miss me!
Bye Bye until next time.
Nope, this was not Mary... I will keep looking!
Mary was graduating today, I wonder..... Na, it could not be!
We found the correct spot at the bar! What a view!
We met new friends, a retired MD!
I wanted to go to Humuhumunukunukuapua'a for dinner but could only get reservations in the back of the place. We met another couple at lunch who had reservations "on the rail". I told them if they could get us added at the table, we would buy their dinner. They got us in!
Did You Know? - The name of Hawaii's state fish, the humuhumunukunukuapua'a, actually means "triggerfish with a snout like a pig".
The Hawaiian State Fish!
This place is so classy the dolphins chase the Mermaids!
I ordered a grand appetizer, $400 worth of amazing delights from the sea!
(I had no idea the cost but when in Paris, go to McDonald's)
Oh My! The two plates were full!
The crab legs were terrific!
He was with a medical equipment manufacturer (Alcon) and from SoCal.
Dig in!!! This could have been the main course also!
Caviar! We finished off the entire plate!
The torches were just lit.
We enjoyed the evening!
The lighting was a challenge!
We sent them an appetizer platter! We hope the oysters work!
Vary nice couple!
I was carried away by the moments and decided to go spear fishing in the lagoon!
The torches are now visible.
The lagoon was like glass!
I was looking for the alligators in the mote!
Almost home!