Who Was Here? (Page Two)
Starlighters 2013 Spring Formal
Page 1 - Meet and Greet | Page 2 - Who Was Heret? Page 3 - After Dinner Dancing | Page 4 - A Comical View |
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Table By Table Or Yacht By Yacht
Abandon Ship: An imperative to leave the vessel immediately, usually in the face of some imminent danger. It is an order issued by the Master or a delegated person in command. It is usually the last resort after all other mitigating actions have failed.
Adrift: Afloat and unattached in any way to the shore or seabed, but not under way. It implies that a vessel is not under control and therefore goes where the wind and current take her (loose from moorings, or out of place). Also refers to any gear not fastened down or put away properly. It can also be used to mean "absent without leave".
Aground: Resting on or touching the ground or bottom (usually involuntarily).
Boatswain: A non-commissioned officer responsible for the sails, ropes, rigging and boats on a ship who issues "piped" commands to seamen.
Charley Nobel: The metal stovepipe chimney from a cook shack on the deck of a ship or from a stove in a galley .
Clean slate: At the helm, the watch keeper would record details of speed, distances, headings, etc. on a slate. At the beginning of a new watch the slate would be wiped clean.
Dogvane: A small weather vane, sometimes improvised with a scrap of cloth, yarn or other light material mounted within sight of the helmsman.
Flemish: To coil a line that is not in use so that it lies flat on the deck.
Starlighters 2013 Spring Formal
Page 1 - Meet and Greet | Page 2 - Who Was Heret? Page 3 - After Dinner Dancing | Page 4 - A Comical View |