The Fun Continues...
A small respite between dancing
Plenty of room for dancing the night away
Oh oh! Caught in mid-dip!
She leans to the right... That's a good thing!
The stories get better as the evening progresses
They ought to be dancing!
Mary is enjoying a good story
Good Looking Outfits This Evening!
The Bailey's are cavorting again!
Definition: 1. To bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper. 2. To have lively or boisterous fun; romp!
"Bob... Who is that interesting lady you are with???"
"Dang... That was a good one!"
She looks so happy... What is wrong with him??? Scared to be in front of a
camera maybe?
After dinner discussions continue
Donna and Bob rock and roll
The Cowboy ChaCha Get's A Lot Of Interest
Mary is one of the last to leave the dance floor this evening!
Now The President(s) Get To Cavort!
Careful... the floor is only wood!
It is almost bewitching hour!
She is in a full fledged cavort!
Do not ask! He thought this was a "Vail Of Invisibility" but we kept
telling him no!
Line Dancers Begin To Make Their Moves