The Avalon Ball 2017

"True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable." – David Tyson

Time For A Nightcap (Page Ten)

The dance is over for this year but the night is still young so to the Ristorente Villa Portofino for dessert and nightcaps!

Did You Know? - A nightcap is an alcoholic beverage consumed prior to falling asleep. Traditional nightcaps include brandy, bourbon, and cream-based liqueurs such as Irish cream. Wine and beer can also function as nightcaps.

In folk medicine, consuming a nightcap is for the purpose of sleep induction. Alcohol is not recommended by many doctors as a sleep aid, as it may interfere with sleep quality.

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
We made it!

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Dessert disappeared instantly

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Great idea, this nightcap thing!

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
We had a full house!

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
"My eyes are getting heavy!"

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
"I'll have another dessert!"

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Cute... Just cute!

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
The desserts fly out of the kitchen!

Only the best for Fred!

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Ladies! Good evening? Carrie wants to sing...
Perhaps some Carrie-Okie?

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
"Oh Yeah!"

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Recalling the evening...

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
All smiles

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
We said it would be fun... It was indeed!

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
A handsome couple

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Checkout those hats!

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Ghislaine and Wally enjoying the evening

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Sharlene Choy joined us for a visit!

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Everyone remembers their favorite part of the weekend so far

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
This evenings real hero!

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Join Sharlene on the art deco train trip in September!

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Good friends!

After the dance nightcap at Ristorente Villa Portofino
Good night all!

Dining Friday afternoon in Avalon at the Bluewater Grill May 19th 2017 width=347
Page 11 - Heading home Sunday