Paul Is Another Year Older Today!

Even before Christmas has said Hello, it's saying 'Buy Buy' -- Robert Paul.

Celebrating 78 Years On This Planet!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends

We began the day with son Joe coming over and finishing off the lighting system.   While he was putting up the last string, we added our soldier blowup display!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends

No more bulbs, no more taking them up and down every year, we are now permanently LED driven.

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Great for Christmas, St. Patrick's Day, Arbor Day, etc.

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
And for Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Election Day!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends

Paul turns 78

Paul turns 78

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends The Pierogi Professor shows us how it is done!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Mastering four pots at one time!

Paul turns 78

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Bad Mike joined the activity

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
The place mats are ready to receive droppings.

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Mary is taking it easy this evening

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Vicky keeps the crowd laughing!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Donna has her wine, that is a good thing!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends

Paul turns 78

We had spinach, potatoes & cheese, sauerkraut, and meat and cheese pierogies this evening.

Did You Know? - While it's origins are disputed, it is known that the word pierogi first appeared in Polish cookbooks and literature in the late 17th century. Claims for the origins of this dumpling have been made by Poles, Romanians, Russians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, and Slovaks

Image result for pierogi + trivia The English word "pierogi" comes from Polish pierogi [pʲɛˈrɔgʲi], which is the plural form of pieróg [ˈpʲɛruk], a generic term for filled dumplings. It derives from Old East Slavic пиръ (pirŭ) and further from Proto-Slavic *pirъ, "feast".

Pierogies are simply dumplings that are typically filled with potatoes or cheeses (though you can truly fill them with anything) that are fried or sauteed and served with sour cream or butter.

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Mike said grace.... "Over the teeth and through the gums, lookout tonsils, here it comes!!"

Paul turns 78

Paul turns 78
Bob and Donna

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends

Paul turns 78

Did You Know? - Feuerzangenbowle is a traditional German alcoholic drink for which a rum-soaked sugar-loaf is set on fire and drips into mulled wine. It is often part of a Christmas or New Year's Eve tradition. The name translates literally as fire-tongs punch, "Bowle" meaning "punch" being borrowed from English.

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Bob handles the alcohol; we stand ready with fire extinguishers!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Paul adds additional alcohol

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
The sugar cone is ready to drip!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
The flames lept from the sugar with a beautiful blue flame!

Did You Know? - This blue flame is a result of complete combustion which occurs when you burn alcohol (CH3CH2OH). Complete combustion happens when there's enough oxygen to only produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water as products.

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Donna is smart; she stands back from the flames!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Everybody enjoys the show!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
It's magic; the flame is not going out!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
The sugar melts and runs into the  warm wine in the bowl.

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
You can see the sugar drop into the bowl!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
What is Vicky thinking?

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Who is counting!

Paul turns 78

Paul turns 78
The musical turntable is 76 years old; Paul's mother got it when Paul was two years old! It's nice to have it out and in use!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
From the back side, Paul us 87!

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Burn baby burn!

Paul turns 78
Capturing the moment

Paul turns 78

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Oh dear, what are they cooking up??

Celebrating Pauls' 78th birthday with family and friends
Donna leads the latest singing group, they are called:
"The Howlers! "

Paul turns 78


What does every birthday end with? The letter Y.

Paul turns 78