Christmas 2021 12/23/2021 Girls Night Out

"The one thing women don't want to find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their husband."

Fun At The Elks

We are off to the Elks because it is Thursday around noon and that is "Girls Night Out"; it's OK, its a long story!  A year and a half ago, Bob and Bill asked me to join them at the Elks t get me out of my sadness.  Since then, we go every Thursday for lunch and our group has expanded to be about ten people.

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
The camera is always available!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Too cute

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Paul gets the fancy settings ready to go!

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Portrait with studio lighting.

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
First time for Donna; Yeah!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
The ladies often coordinate their hat selections; today it was hats and shoes!

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We have tigers this afternoon!

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Mary tells a whopper!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Who's turn is it now??

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"I did not mean to!"

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
A cute couple and a lot of fun!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
George is showing his new tooth!

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George checks to see if his burger has arrived!

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"This is my serious look!"

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Beverly makes me smile

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
P-s-s-s-s-s-t  I have two teeth!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
"What can I say, I am just hansom!"


Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Too bad she has to go back to work!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
The wine is mine since she has to go back to work!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Will explains the difference between a duck!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
The explanation is a bit difficult.

Bill asked, "What's the best thing about Switzerland? "  Will responded, "I don't know, but the flag is a big plus."

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Bill gets it now!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Donna approves of Bob's meal selection!

Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar. "Get out of here!" shouts the bartender. "We don't serve your type."

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We told her what is usually has (when she is not there!)

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They have become friends from the Girls Night Out activities.

Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his Scrabble letters on the road. I asked him, "What's the word on the street?"

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Love those smiles!

Hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There's no menu: You get what you deserve.

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All the way from Fullerton

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...and always a  smile!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
We love that hat!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Rolling back a few years to black and  white

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
A bundle of fun!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Mike is about to break out in a story!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Beware, here it comes!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Enjoying each others company!

Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space.

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Careful, he is about to say something!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
He did it!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Donna has her iPhone out, this could be bad!

What sits at the bottom of the sea and twitches? A nervous wreck.

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Linda and Mary are now officially worried!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
A bevy of beauties!

Girls Night Out 12/23/2021
Gotta talk business!

What kind of exercise do lazy people do? Diddly-squats.