The Starlighters Dance Club Foxfire 11/17/2012

"Set yourself up for success and anything is possible."

Dancing The Night Away (Page Three)

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
You may now proceed to dance....

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Hang on.....

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
The dance floor is full

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Ron and Kris take center stage

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Real men can wear red

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Serious hand movements underway

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Whoa! Call the Chiropractor

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Music music music

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
It's another new step

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Zooming around the floor

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
"Lookout... Here we come!"

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
The enemy... We will eat you and then dance your effects away

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
The fun continues at the tables

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
We must rest... For a few minutes

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
"Marcia! What is this?"

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Cool down time or are they in time-out?

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
The Thinker.....

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
That is a real pose

Did You Know? - Human positions refer to the different positions that the human body can take.

There are several synonyms that refer to the human position, often used interchangeably, but having specific flavors.

  • Position is a general term for a configuration of the human body
  • Posture means the intentionally or habitually assumed position
  • Pose implies artistic or aesthetic intention of the position
  • Attitude refers to postures assumed for purpose of imitation, intentional or not, as well as in some standard collocations in reference to some distinguished types of posture:" Freud never assumed a fencer 's attitude, yet almost all took him for a swordsman."
  • Bearing refers to the manner, of the posture, as well as of gestures and other aspects of the conduct taking place

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Looks to be serious

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Looks NOT to be serious... Coffee????

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
What.... Not on the dance floor???

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
What is she doing with that fork????

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Out and about

Did You Know? - Tartan is a pattern consisting of criss-crossed horizontal and vertical bands in multiple colours. Tartans originated in woven wool, but now they are made in many other materials. Tartan is particularly associated with Scotland. Scottish kilts almost always have tartan patterns. Tartan is one of the patterns known as plaid in North America, but in Scotland, a plaid is a tartan cloth slung over the shoulder, or a blanket.

Tartan is made with alternating bands of coloured (pre-dyed) threads woven as both warp and weft at right angles to each other. The weft is woven in a simple twill, two over — two under the warp, advancing one thread each pass. This forms visible diagonal lines where different colours cross, which give the appearance of new colours blended from the original ones. The resulting blocks of colour repeat vertically and horizontally in a distinctive pattern of squares and lines known as a sett.

The Dress Act of 1746 attempted to bring the warrior clans under government control by banning the tartan and other aspects of Gaelic culture. When the law was repealed in 1782, it was no longer ordinary Highland dress, but was adopted instead as the symbolic national dress of Scotland.

Until the middle of the nineteenth century, the highland tartans were associated with regions or districts, rather than by any specific clan. This was because tartan designs were produced by local weavers for local tastes and would tend to make use of the natural dyes available in that area. The patterns were simply different regional checked-cloth patterns, where of the tartans most to one's liking — in the same way as people nowadays choose what colours and patterns they prefer in their clothing. Thus, it was not until the mid-nineteenth century that specific tartans became associated with Scottish clans or Scottish families, or simply institutions who are (or wish to be seen as) associated in some way with a Scottish heritage.

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Paul gets the girls.... It's the jacket... and the kilts

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
"I think I need a new jacket!"

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
"Here is the address of the Salvation Army store where he got the jacket"

Line Dancing Is Underway

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Just do NOT step on the green part of the rug

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
The rug patterns assists the line dancers in lining up

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
"OK... My back has recovered... I am ready to try again"

Meanwhile On The Dance Floor

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Romance is in the air

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Hans just signed up for five years with the local gym.... And he is looking for a plastic surgeon

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
It is NOT what it looks like

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
"Oh oh... I saw that!"

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Sue provides some retirement ideas

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Iris and Will awaiting the next dance

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Barbara explains a tricky detail of a new step....

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Time to rest....

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Looks like we had a sparkle explosion

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
I think Bob should be on the Monopoly Box!

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Short breaks allow for additional visiting

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Notice the table is closest to the bar.... Excellent thinking

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Great friends... Great fun

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
"Whoa! Why can't I be the Monopoly Man??"

Quotation To Remember: As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.  ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Paul and Ed share a good story or two

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
The music has started... So has Leon

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
"Put your little foot in... Put your little foot out"

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Jim is slowly getting it

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Heading for the home stretch

Quotation To Remember: To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.  ~Johannes A. Gaertner

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Good night.... Please come again

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
"Good night? I am just getting warmed up!"

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Rump to rump... It's a swing step

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
The ladies found homes for the name tags

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance
Sneaking out.... See you Sunday!

Starlighters November 2012 Winter Formal Dance