The Starlighters Dance Club Yorba Linda 9/15/2012

"Dancers aren't made of their technique, but their passion."

Making The Calories Disappear Page Three

Pronouncement And Jokes Time With The Pres...

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012 important message follows...

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
....who said that????

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Millie needs the latest for Kegels Korner....

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Our Membership Board Members recognize our guests for the evening....

This Evenings Guests

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012   Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

The Dancing Continues

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Street Corner Symphony is getting fired up....

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Giggles are underway

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Dancing "Back to back!"

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Aorund and around we go....

Quotation: The truest expression of a people is in its dance and in its music.  Bodies never lie.  ~Agnes de Mille

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Shari and Judy.... The staff at Yorba Linda was OUTSTANDING!

Edirtors Note: Theis evenings mamager (Sheri) and bartender (Judy) seemed to be all around the room making sure all the details were handled and that everybody was served with their favorite drink! There was an accidental spill on one of the tables and Judy nearly flew over to it with bartowels in hand making sure it was cleaned up and the folks cold continue their evening! Always a pleasure to come to Yorba Linda Country Club... Thank You Shari, Judy and staff!

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
The floor was always busy all evening

Quotation To Remember: Dance is the only art of which we ourselves are the stuff of which it is made.  ~Ted Shawn, Time, 25 July 1955

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Dancing the night away

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Street Corner did well this evening...

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Serious conversations underway

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Did You Know? - Two monologues do not make a dialogue.  ~Jeff Daly

Oh No.... The Famous Starlighters LINE DANCERS

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
"Where is the line?"

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Yeah.... I found it....

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Them line dancers are a hoot

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Everyone was up .... Step turn... Step turn...

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
The whole room was moving

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Did you ever try pole dancing???

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
"Line dancing looks too hard.... Think I will just watch!"

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
The whole building is moving

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
"Hang on.... I'll be right there... Wanna try Y.M.C.A?"

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Guests outnumber members.... Almost!

Normal Dancing Resumes While Oxygen Bottles Are Passed Out...

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
"So... Did I tell you the one about the traveling saleman....?"

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
The camera man escapes the camera.... That you Bob Zaitz

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
No flashing please.....

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Jan says to Linda..."So... Did I tell you the one about the traveling sales lady...?"

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Holly has guard duty.... Keeping an eye on the wine

Makes a great picture....

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Paul demonstrates the fan dance

Did You Know? - A fan dance is a dance performed with one or more fans . This form has been adapted in various countries. The Korean fan dance , for example, evolved from Joseon Dynasty court dances and remains a popular form of traditional Korean dance. The Spanish or Portuguese flamenco makes dramatic use of fans. There also exists a form of fan dance in traditional Yu'pik culture in western Alaska; it bears little resemblance to the other forms represented herein.

In the West, a fan dance is often an erotic dance performance, traditionally by a woman. The performer, either entirely nude or apparently so, dances while moving two large fans , typically constructed from ostrich feathers. The essence of the choreography is suggestion , limiting the parts of the body exposed to the audience while focusing attention on illusions of exposure. Performers often evoke illusions of:

  • having already seen what had never been exposed,
  • not being able to shift one's gaze fast enough to see what seems surely to be presently exposed, or
  • being aware of currently "seeing" what in fact is not exposed to be seen.

A fan dance can be viewed for erotic stimulation, aesthetic appreciation of grace and beauty, and for simple amazement of the skill of the illusion.

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
More giggles....

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Michele flashes her famous smile....

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Bob and Mailyn Pokinghorn are enjoying the music

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Marilyn does have a secret to enjoying the music... Ask her at the next dance!

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Bill Hencke visits with Sandee and Ralph Collier

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Donna Zaita, Nita Woolston and Sue Liles light up the evening

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Our guests are no strangers to the dance floor....

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Judy (our bartender) makes water disappear

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Voila... H20 is gone

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Holly recreates a Harry Potter moment

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
The staff was right on time... They made the evening enjoyable

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Leon, Heidi, Wes, and Marcia

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Second time Tess and Roger Damico provide us with some new moves....

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
The crowds thin out but the enthusiasm on the dance floor continues

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
The die-hards on the floor....

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Do we know how to party or what???

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012
Tables empty means tghe folks are on the floor....

Post dinner dancing at the Starlighters Fall Semi-Formal  September 2012