Decorations At Casa Valencia 2021

Acting is like a Halloween mask that you put on. ~River Phoenix

It's All "New"Kind Of!

We have combined households and both Mary and I had scads of Halloween items.  I decided to provide the muscle and Mary, of course, the brains. Things are looking pretty good.   Colleen was of great assistance!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
"Please come in and visit our decorations; they have been
alone for almost a year and some are hungry!!!"

I want to be something really scary for Halloween this year so I'm dressing up as a phone battery at 2%.

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
We welcome you!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!

The TV Room and Family Room get the whole treatment; all we need is spider webs!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Well, hi there big boy!   
What does a skeleton orders at a restaurant? Spare ribs.

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Only the shadow knows!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Little Mary and Paul's!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
He gets around

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
The galaxy projector does has an orange setting!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Drack watches the goings on from his perch high in the family room

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Spidy keeps warm on the top of the lamp!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Humpty-Pumpkin just sits around.

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
The pumpkin in the moon?

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!

Being in a nudist colony probably takes all the fun out of Halloween.

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
We had these last year and they go well by the coffee cups!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
He stays up all night long just waiting for one of us to tippy-toe into the kitchen for a mid-night snack then he pounces!!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
He is a lot louder than one might think!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Mary and Colleen have a way with decorations!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Meanwhile in the kitchen

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
In the breakfast area we have many little goodies we have collected separately over the years; they are getting to kn ow each other!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Even the exercise room gets some decorations!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
The witch has already lost 72 pounds!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
In the ballroom is the holiday tree all dressed up for Halloween this time!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
The lighting looks like candy-corn!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
A little mood lighting perhaps?

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
We had to put Mary's witch's hats out!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Checkout the candles; Frankenstein has been here!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Colleen did a magnificent job cleaning up the Halloween Pyramid!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Our official welcomer (When Scout is not at the front door)

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
We have yet to see any crows around; he is on the job!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Scout keeps an eye out for elephants!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
I am watching you!

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
Time for a slay-ride???

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
...and outside we fly the flag proudly!
(Morning with a heavy mist underway)

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!
We hope some wind arrives so we can see the entire flag
(3PM and the mist is gone!)

Halloween 2021 decorations; putting our things together for the first time!

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