It's Time To Dance At The Fullerton Elks Lodge
High on the hill!
DISCLAIMER NOTE: If you like the quotes on this page, thank Paul! If you do NOT like the quotes, blame Bob Feidler... Thanks Bob for the email with the quotes
In Summary
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Let The Party Begin
Margie and Al make it out for a visit.... Yeah!
Jan and Brian
Donna and Bob
The band was good
It's an old placed dance floor but it kinda works
Marcia and Leon Brander
In black and white
Did You Know? - Black-and-white, often abbreviated B/W or B&W, is a term referring to a number of monochrome forms in visual arts.
Black-and-white as a description may be considered a misnomer in that the images are not ordinarily starkly contrasted black and white but combine black and white in a continuum producing a range of shades of gray. Further, many prints, especially those produced earlier in the development of photography, were in sepia (mainly for archival stability), which yielded richer, more subtle shading than reproductions in plain black-and-white.
The Elks is watching us... Must be on good behavior!
Sue and Paul
joined us for the evening and Nick decided to take her for a spin
Sandy and Bob
Right turn
Bob provides directions
Nita and Alan head to the floor
Quotation To Remember: The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends.
Lorraine is out and about again with Bob
Leon is making the snake gesture... Stand back... Way back
No Lorraine, you can not take him home with you! Donna would be mad!
Donna: "Did she really wanna take you home?"
Bob: "Yes, she collects antiques!"
Dancing the night away
We calls this the "Rub a dub dub"
Romantic little devils
Maybe she is not just trying to keep him warm??? What did he do?
We have not been together for.... almost twenty-two hours....
Quotation To Remember: Did you ever notice: The Roman numerals for forty (40) are XL?
What does Bob know???
Silence is always the best choice
"It's an old story so...."
Quotation To Remember: The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble.
Lorraine and Jan heard the line dancing music and off they go!
This is what happens when you tell them to smile
The Exalted Ruler
Phil Marquez was on duty this evening making everyone welcome
Sue and Paul also danced.... Sue was making a wine selection form the shirt....
Her decision? One of each!
The Band This Evening Was Very Good - The So Co Dance Band
Great guitar
and well know from the Newport Harbor Elks and Santa Ana Elks Jam Sessions
Keyboard wizard Andrew Marks
Tim Slaven vocalist and bass guitar
Dave Wood on percussion
Nice dance music.... We hope they come back!
Something to put into the album
Click to visit Andrew Marks website
Quotation To Remember: Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.
Meanwhile Sue catches up on all the latest
All smiles
We all wondered how far Brian had to run after the guy to get his tie
Quotation To Remember: You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.
Marcia does her Charlie Chan impression
Did You Know? - Charlie Chan is a fictional Chinese-American detective created by Earl Derr Biggers. Loosely based on Honolulu detective Chang Apana, Biggers conceived of the benevolent and heroic Chan as an alternative to Yellow Peril stereotypes, such as villains like Fu Manchu. Chan is a detective for the Honolulu police, though many stories feature Chan traveling the world as he investigates mysteries and solves crimes.
Chan first appeared in Biggers' novels, but went on to be featured in a number of media. Over four dozen films featuring Charlie Chan have been made, beginning in 1926. The character was at first portrayed by Asian actors, and the films met with little success. In 1931, the Fox Film Corporation cast Swedish actor Warner Oland as Chan in Charlie Chan Carries On; the film was a success, and Fox went on to produce 15 more Chan films with Oland in the title role. After Oland's death, American actor Sidney Toler was cast as Chan; Toler made 22 Chan films, first for Fox and then for Monogram Studios. After Toler's death, six more films were made, starring Roland Winters.
Key Luke was Charlie Chan's #1 son in the 1920's and also played
Master Po in the
TV series King Fu
Ah ha.... Marcia is back!
You cannot hide from the camera
"I might try some tie-dye to improve the looks of my tie
"Leon.... Watch the glass"
Lorraine has placed the cup on Leon's fingers
Leon instantly knew how to removed the cup.... He bit it!
Lifted it up and off his fingers and then....
His false teeth came loose and he dropped the cup creating a "lap situation"
Quotation To Remember: Eagles may soar in the clouds, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
"OK Al... Hang on!"
"Excellent idea... Use both hands!"
Quotation To Remember: Say what you want about aging, it's still the only way to have old friends. ~Robert Brault
Good evening Elks.... We enjoyed playing for you this evening!