The Starlighters Dance Club Dance Event

"Dance isn't a form it's a way of life." ~anonymous

Who Was Here This Evening?? (Page Two)

Page 1 - Pre-Dance Visiting | Page 2 - Who Was Here??
Page 3 - Serious Dancing Begins

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Click the collage for the full size (3200px by 2400px)

Applause For The Yorba Linda Special Events Manager....

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Our Hero! Shari Henkemeyer... Special Events Manager ... She made sure everything was super!
Great member of the Yorba Linda staff

Not only did she make sure the food was ready and well served, we saw her adjust the lighting for a more romantic atmosphere, she found scissors for an emergency suit alteration, visited with several guests, double checked to assure everyone had what they ordered including the special orders. Thank you Sheri!

The Dance Floor Is Quiet... Time For Pictures

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Ivan and Barbara Bishop

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Neal and Nita Woolston

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Robert Margulies and Janine Clark

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Kent & Judy Dickinson

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Nancy and David Smith

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Darwin and Margie Bolsinger

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Charles & Almira Ida

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Marylin and Don Bailey

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Judy and Dale Edwards

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Devi and David Bellows

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Barbara and Frank Martin

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Bob and Doris Muschek

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Pat Nyborg and Alan Mannason

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Paula and Gray Kilmer

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Sandee and Ralph Collier

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Cliff and Jan Thompson

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Elsa and Ralph Moore

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Carole and Dan Green

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Gracie and George Burns.... Adrienne and Bob Meehan

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Donna and B ob Zaitz

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Ron May and Kristen Powell

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Ed & Mikelle Watson

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Richard & Judy Voltmer

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Ed and Kathy Roberts

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Leon and Marcia Brander

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Wes and Heidi Granger

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
Sue and Paul Liles

Who was at the Yorba Linda Country Club for the Starlighters January 2012 dance?
... with a smile

Page 1 - Pre-Dance Visiting | Page 2 - Who Was Here?? | Page 3 - Serious Dancing Begins