Roger's Gardens Halloween Boutique

I've got every trick or treat in the book!

Halloween Begins!

You are cordially invited to attend "The Gathering." Every year witches from around the globe descend on Roger's Gardens for their annual coven. Enshrouded in secrecy, this mystical assembly is a haunting spectacle. Spellcasters congregate to celebrate their arcane rituals and share their magical ways.

"The Gathering" is held in our overgrown forest where the line between nature and the supernatural blurs. Join them and immerse yourself in their mystical world as you explore an array of spellbinding décor, bewitching accessories and haunting treasures.

Prepare to be bewitched at Roger's Gardens, where "The Gathering" promises a Halloween Boutique steeped in mystery and magic. Succumb to the allure of the supernatural and uncover the secrets lurking within every corner.

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
We heard the witches inside mixing their brew!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
"Hurry. the line is moving!"

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
The Witch is waiting!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Robin and the Witch are related

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
We came on the first day!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
We are ready to explore the boutique!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Watch out for these three!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Fun with family!

After the gardens was open we still stood in line almost 45 minutes before entering the haunted facility!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
They hand all sorts of pumpkins all over the grounds!
Hope your Halloween is hex-tra special!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Oh my!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Did You Know? - Knucklehead pumpkins are a part of a specialty line known as Superfreak which was developed by Siegers Seed Co. in Holland, Michigan. Along with the goosebumps gourd, these fruits were intentionally bred for their warty skin and large, elongated size to create unique fall accents and unusual carving pumpkins.

the sugar content gets so high in this fruit that it actually fractures the skin and then they develop these warts.

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Deleteriously seriously!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
We are almost there!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Mary met up with the White Witch who was captivated by Mary's cackle. The White Witch was also the Roget's Photographer and said Mary's cackle would be on the Rogers Facebook page.

Sure enough, the next morning Mary graced the pages of Facebook and Instagram!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
The Black Witch and the White Witch!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
So, which witch is which?

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
The cats are guarding the entrance!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
We are next in line!


Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Being a gentleman, I allowed the girls to go first!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
No monsters came out so I joined them!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
The shelves were loaded!!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Goodies everywhere!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
We felt like we were being watched!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Someone is NOT happy!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
She probably saw the price tag!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Just hanging around!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Boo! They look so cute!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Penny for their thoughts!

Slipped on a pumpkin. It caught me off-gourd.

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
The eyes were penetrating!

Who helps the smaller pumpkins safely cross the street? The crossing gourd. (Of course!)

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
I got me in a picture! A selfie at work!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
The ladies transportation awaits

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Mary, nice boos!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
OMG, triplets!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
A little pick-me-up!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
"Do you have the name of a good dentist Mary?"

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
They were not happy!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Witch-ing you a Happy Halloween!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Skeleton puns are oh so humerus.

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Run... there is a fire!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Looks static but wait...

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Mary named the snake. You have to guess the name!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Pumpkins grow on trees?

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
As Mary says, "You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your Prince".

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin Roger's Garden 2024 With RobinRoger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
We turned her in to the SPCF... You guess it...
Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Frogs!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Let's have a skele-TON of fun tonight

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
That's a crock!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Now we are talking!!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
First day of Witches School!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Oh dear. What is the flavor?

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
She found another frog!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Oh my... The shop keepers must wonder why all the frogs have lipstick on them!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Back in the kitchen, things are brewing.

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
This made Mary want to get home and begin cooking!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
That's what she does!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
"Sit a spell and we will read to you!"

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Mary was envious of her hat!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Dummy! Does he know that smoking is bad for you??

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
For a mere $ 150 you too can have a smoking pumpkin!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
The wall montage was quite creative!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
What are they up too?

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Mary finds another treasure!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
They are reading incantations, I better run for the hills!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
You've been eerie-sistible since the day we met

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
The cart is full, now let's fill our tummies!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

The American Legion, where Mary is a member, is just five minutes away and it located on Balboa Island in Newport. The food is outstanding and they have a great bar.

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Come on in!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
"Did you say bar?"

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
We had a glass of vino waiting for the kitchen to open for business.

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Fun with family!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Mary's order finally arrived!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
The pastrami was perfect!   It was the best I have had in years!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Mary did the beet salad and it was excellent!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
We watched the wind sailing competition, the America's Cup!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
God bless of servicemen wherever they are!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
We walked on the short pier!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Mary put a hex on the water!   It was a good hex making it an excellent day!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Beauty and the Beast!   P-s-s-s-s-s-s-t  The Beast is on the left!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
See, I can smile!   Lifestyles of the witch and famous

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
It was a magnificent day!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
Thumbs up!
Halloween isn't the same if I can't be witch you

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
My my, what you see when you don't have a gun!

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
The rear end of the building (get it?)

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
The Legion has been here 100 years right on the water.

Did You Know? - Newport Harbor Post 291 of the American Legion is one of the largest American Legion Posts in the United States and is the only Post with its own Yacht Club. We are located on the water in Newport Beach, California, and are dedicated to support all military veterans in the Orange County region.

Roger's Garden 2024 With Robin
We headed home.