Animated Cat Halloween 2014: Pumpkin Carving Part Two

How do you spell relief? M-A-G-I-C.

Carving And Judging... The Fun Continues (Page Seven)

2014 Halloween Season
Page 2 - Rogers Gardens  |   Page 3 - Oak Glen Summary  
Page 4 - Life Day Seventeen  |   Page 5 - Himalayan Grille  
Page 6 - Pumpkin Carving Part One   |   Page 7 - Pumpkin Carving Part Two  
Page 8 - Old Ranch   |   Page 9 - Halloween Ball At SAE

The carving activities continue and the kitchen is full of pepitas and apple sauce.  We will soon be "judging" the pumpkins but they will all be fantastic.

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Did You Know? - A jack-o'-lantern is a carved pumpkin, or turnip, associated chiefly with the holiday of Halloween, and was named after the phenomenon of strange light flickering over peat bogs, called will-o'-the-wisp or jack-o'-lantern.

In a jack-o'-lantern, the top is cut off to form a lid, and the inside flesh then scooped out; an image, usually a monstrous face, is carved out of the pumpkin's rind to expose the hollow interior.

To create the lantern effect, a light source is placed within before the lid is closed.

This is traditionally a flame or electric candle, though pumpkin lights featuring various colors and flickering effects are also marketed specifically for this purpose. It is common to see jack-o'-lanterns on doorsteps and otherwise used as decorations during Halloween.

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Batch #1 have left the oven

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Easy to do... 425 for about 10-15 minutes on a "pammed" cookie sheet

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Sprinkle spices on the seeds per your taste....
We use garlic powder, chili powder, and seasoning salt... Plus a non-spiced version

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
The apple sauced is beginning to take form

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
OMG... They are still at it

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Careful... You will poke his eye out!"

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Fiona is still preparing her punkin for carving

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Finally Sue gets a change to sit down

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Examine that pattern..... Very busy

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
We wondered what happened to all the stickers

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
TV is on... That is a sign that the "Little Kids" have lost interest...
The "Big Kids" keep plugging away!

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Greg is still plugging along

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
She is almost ready to cut!

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Lisa is making something

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
"I'm checking up on the kitchen activities"

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
That was hard work

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
The last batch of seeds getting soaked

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
It is taking form... Wow! It's a work of art

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Fiona's work of art takes center stage

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Simple but elegant

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Another artist displaying his wares

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Boo reminds us of "Boofus"... Dave's pet pumpkin from years gone by!

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
"Hello there"

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
It's a line-up... The victims are going to identify the guilty pumpkin

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
"I recognize that one... He spit out a seed!"

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014


Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
The girls are happy with their work

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
The lighting begins...  Lisa places the candles

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Fiona lights them up

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Looking good

Quotation To Remember: "Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness." ― Anne Frank

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
"I feel all warm inside"

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014


Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
"What is the guy on the end laughing about??"

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
"Please... Take my picture"

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Michele snaps the little pumpkins

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Greg uses the iPhone to take pictures and perhaps a movie

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Someone was out front with a new car...

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Luisa captures the evidence

Quotation To Remember: "There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
On the spa... Easier to see

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
It's a staring contest

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Stories will be told

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014 Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014 Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
"Snap click... iPhones gone wild!"

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
"OMG... I do not have my lipstick on!"

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Happy Halloween

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Everyone got into the act

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Grandma Sue comes out to join the fun

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
"I am the witch? "

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Family fun.... The best kind of fun...

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Precise photos done here

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
No! They are not texting each other

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Liahna says.... "Hey... I am a pumpkin!"

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Sue and Paul enjoying the day

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Frank examines the artwork up close

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
"Great Grandpa... I will carry the lid "

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014
Saying good night

Pumpkin carving October 26th 2014

2014 Halloween Season
Page 2 - Rogers Gardens  |   Page 3 - Oak Glen Summary  
Page 4 - Life Day Seventeen  |   Page 5 - Himalayan Grille  
Page 6 - Pumpkin Carving Part One   |   Page 7 - Pumpkin Carving Part Two  
Page 8 - Old Ranch   |   Page 9 - Halloween Ball At SAE