After Dinner The Dancing Begins In Ernest (Page Three)
Great music
from our band
Neal and Nita are tripping the light fantastic
Marcia & Leon Brander take to the floor
Kathy & Ed Roberts
The proper foxtrot position demonstrated
Gliding across the floor
Hang on Don... Marilyn will make you look good
Dessert is served
The Roberts have been watching too much "Dancing With The Stars"
Announcements And Introduction Of Guests
"Now dear, how does this mike-row-fone work?
"Attention on deck... The Guest Lamp is lit"
The Franklin's, George & Shiela
Marge & Sam Johnson
Peggy & Dick Jones
Dancing Continues
Ah.... Is this a line dance?
Good crowd this evening
Must be a line dance....
A view from the bands perspective
Men's Wet Shirt Content
Donna organizes the un-organizable
Vote for #1 through #11
Every heard of herding cats???
What is Guy doing in there??
The Party Winds Down
Someone left happy
We arranged for a designated driver
The last song plays on...
The Presidents depart