Halloween 2011....
2011 is here and we are laying back a little bit this year as Sunday and Monday are not going to be busy. So far the plan is:
- Alpine Village theme night
- Around the neighborhood & Halloween
- Go see Riverdance at OCPAC on Friday night
- Pumpkin carving/lunch with family on Saturday afteroon
- Dinner dance at the Santa Ana Elks Lodge Saturday night
It's almost here.... And then it is gone...
The Carving Was Great.... Please Join Us
The Santa Ana Elks Was Fantastic
Cousin Kat
Our cousin Kat stays in an assisted living home in Garden Grove and they always decorate for the holidays. While visiting Kat we captures these little guys.
Did You Know? - This Halloween the most popular mask is the Arnold Schwarzenegger mask. And the best part? With a mouth full of candy you will sound just like him. ~Conan O'Brien