Fun With Friends & Family 2004

You're my fiend for life.

Halloween 2004

We all gather again for another serious pumpkin carving activity. Great fun with family and friends. After it's over, we gead out for dinner locally.

A Quote To Remember - They that are born on Halloween shall see more than other folk. ~Saying of unknown origin

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Time to get out the knives and create wonderful things

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Zack has an idea

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Pinky watches over the activities

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Pinky is supervising the activities ready to leap up on anyone who dares not complete a punkin!

A Quote To Remember - Hold on, man. We don't go anywhere with "scary," "spooky," "haunted," or "forbidden" in the title. ~From Scooby-Doo

Zachary Seems To Enjoy The Activities

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
"Pumpkin guts"

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
I got it clean... Now what?

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Mickey Man is taking it all in and just wants to know, "When is dinner?"

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
The real work is about to begin

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
A creation is about to happen

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Mitch looks puzzled

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Connor helps grandpa

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
"Yeah... that's about right... whaddya think?"

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
This takes time

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Dave provides some assistance

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Tookies in the kitchen

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Jeanette cooking up a storm

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Looking good

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Grandma supervises the activities

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Dave McTevia our dear neighbor

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Smile... You will scare the pumpkin

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Sue keeps an eye on Mitch

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Dang... It is hot out here

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Jeanette tells a ghost story

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
In search of more patterns

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Zack confers with grandma

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
The patio is full

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Dave is already done???

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Ah... candle time

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Nope... You cannot see the candle in the afternoon

Halloween 2004 Pumpkin Carving
Grandma Sue gets into the carving thing...

A Quote To Remember - Eat, drink and be scary. ~Author unknown