The Time Has Come To Create Tomato Sauce

The best place to seek God is in a garden.  You can dig for him there.

July 3rd 2014 And We Attacked The Garden

Making tomato sauce July 2014

Tomato sauce is any of a very large number of sauces made primarily from tomatoes, usually to be served as part of a dish (rather than as a condiment). Tomato sauces are common for meat and vegetables, but they are perhaps best known as sauces for pasta dishes.

Tomatoes have a rich flavor, high liquid content, very soft flesh which breaks down easily, and the right composition to thicken into a sauce when they are cooked (without the need of thickeners such as roux). All of these qualities make them ideal for simple and appealing sauces. The simplest tomato sauces consist just of chopped tomato flesh cooked in a little olive oil and simmered until it loses its raw flavor, and seasoned with salt.

Optionally tomato skins may be scalded and peeled according to texture (especially thicker pelati paste varieties) and tomato seeds may be removed to avoid their bitterness.

Did You Know?

The average Joe. 93% American gardening households grow tomatoes.

Fresh tomatoes. Fresh-market tomatoes are grown in all 50 states.

Biggest worldwide producers. The largest worldwide producer of tomatoes is China, followed by USA, Turkey, India and Egypt.

Biggest U.S. producer – processed tomatoes. California produces 96% of the tomatoes processed in the U.S.

We Start In The Garden

Making tomato sauce July 2014
Tomato plants are pretty until they begin to produce fruit

Making tomato sauce July 2014
This bush was loaded with fruit

Did You Know? - Tomato juice is the official state beverage of Ohio.

Making tomato sauce July 2014
After picking them, the plants will produce on the recontenting flowers

Action Switches To The Kitchen

NOTE: You will not see pictures of us!  Do you have any idea how we look after picking 150 tomatoes, boiling them, peeling them, squeezing them, grinding them and finally cooking them! We look like walking tomatoes!

Making tomato sauce July 2014
We were worse after five hours of picking and cooking

Making tomato sauce July 2014
We had boxes of fruit in the kitchen before we began cooking

Did You Know? - The use of tomato sauce with pasta appears for the first time in the Italian cookbook L'Apicio moderno, by Roman chef Francesco Leonardi, edited in 1790

Making tomato sauce July 2014
We drop the fruit in boiling water just enough to get the skin hot

Making tomato sauce July 2014
The whole tomato is dropped in "cool" water and voila, the skins become easy to remove!

Did You Know? - Tomato sauce was an ancient condiment in Aztec food. The first western person to write of what may have been a tomato sauce was Bernardino de Sahagún, who made note of a prepared sauce that was offered for sale in the markets of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City today). Spaniards later brought the use of tomatoes to Europe.

Making tomato sauce July 2014
We use different colors to provide different tastes in the sauce

Making tomato sauce July 2014
Red and greens... Whatever we can find.

Making tomato sauce July 2014
After peeling them we hand squeeze out the seeds and put the recontents in a blender!

Did You Know? - According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans eat between 22- 24 pounds of tomatoes per person, per year. (More than half of those munchies are ketchup and tomato sauce.)

PS... That means for Joe (our son) that someone is eating 44-48 pounds!

Making tomato sauce July 2014
There is still a lot of water in the sauce so we boil it for about three hours

Making tomato sauce July 2014
The boiling removes the water and leave the concentrated sauce

Making tomato sauce July 2014
This will boil down by about 60% before it is ready

Did You Know? - The tomato is America's fourth most popular fresh-market vegetable behind potatoes, lettuce, and onions.

Making tomato sauce July 2014
Voila... Six quarts to tomato sauce...
Sue does NOT season it until it is used so we can make it Italian, Mexican, Indian, or ??? Making tomato sauce July 2014
Paul gets cleanup duty

Making tomato sauce July 2014
And we still have more of sauce making on Monday!