Vegetable Gardening  Is A Wonderful Hobby

Housework is for people who don’t know how to garden.

Come In And Visit ...

We vegetable garden every year!!!

Gardening And Us...

Vegetable gardening

Gardening means different things to different people. Thousands view gardening as a hobby, a relaxing escape from the pressures of an urban environment.

For us, the food produced may be almost secondary. Growing fresh vegetables, herbs, or fruits provides a great sense of joy and accomplishment. 

Working in the dirt is relaxing! Before we retired, coming home and taking out the hostilities by pulling the weeds was great. 

Now, post retirement, we can get up in the morning, stroll the garden, and discover they new growth, new buds forming and enjoy watching the garden grow!

What do we do with the vegetables....duh! We cook them!  If you have not had fresh swiss chard, broccoli, or cauliflower.... you haven't lived!

It's absolutely the truth

Gardening In Rossmoor (1995-2018)

Sue and I gardened for twenty years in Rossmoor and I would harvest the veggies, put them on the counter, and Sue would work magic. We worked gard until Sue's health began failing and then we reduced our gardening efforts necause I was doing a lot of cooking and I am not as cretive as Sue!

When Sue passed in November of 2020, I had notworked in the garden for quite almpst three years!

I met up with Dr. Mary Cote in late July of 2020 and we enjoyed a lot of things in commen, gardening was one of those items.  We got married in 2021 and bought a new home (to us) in Orange, Ca.

Gardening In Orange (2021-?)

When we selected our new home, we opted for a place with LOTS of room so we cound garden.  Mary loved the old Rossmoore garden so we recreated it in Orange only with some improvements!

Image loves gardening