Vegetable Gardening Is Our Hobby

Earth is here so kind, that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest.

Come In And Visit ...

We began vegetable gardening around 1995 starting with using our flower beds and then doing a major redesign in the front and backyards in Rossmoor in 2014.  It was fun and kept us busy and out of the bars!

We vegetable garden every year!!!

Gardening And Us...

Vegetable gardening

Gardening means different things to different people. Thousands view gardening as a hobby, a relaxing escape from the pressures of an urban environment.

For us, the food produced may be almost secondary. Growing fresh vegetables, herbs, or fruits provides a great sense of joy and accomplishment. 

And we get a chance to giggle at the Chartier's in Connecticut where the ground at Easter time is just beginning to thaw out!


Every Inch? Judge For Yourself! The Tract So We Used All Space Available

We busted out a patio and an in ground hot tub to make room for the garden.  The soil was adobe and it took several years to make it fertile!

The back yard at work
This used to be a patio area with a hot tub...
Now it is 800+ square feet of garden! - March 2010

Farmer Paul picks a beet!
Farmer Paul pulls our a beet! That there is a beet! - May 2009

Yes... We do many potted plants like blueberries!
We get blueberries for months. - May 2009

Inside wall in the front year
"Flower beds" once upon a time...
About 250 square feet along in inside walls - May 2010

Walkway to the front door lined with fruid trees and herbs
From entrance way surrounded by fruit trees
and herbs plus potted strawberries! - June 2007

Canelopes in the grapefruit tree
Yes... Sue is picking cantaloupes from the grapefruit tree...
It's a long story - July 2007

The south wall garden is loaded with tomatoes and squash - June 2005

Fruit trees in the front yard
Our front? Apples, avocados, onions, oranges,
zucchini, potatoes, plums, kumquats... - May 2009

Down the driveway
Down the driveway in 2003....The plum tree on the left is 25 feet tall now - June 2003

Pinky in front and Flower, Sarge, and Mickey bringing up the rear
Poppy gets help from the troops! Pinky in front and Flower, Sarge,
and Mickey bringing up the rear
They are on a hunt for strawberries and tomatoes - July 2004

Artichokes were going wild
May 2006 the artichokes are going wild! - May 2006

Mickey onb patrol in the garden
Mickey (the Man Boy) is always in the yard looking for goodies to devour! - May 2006

Prep for winter
It also hard work... Spreading last years compost all over the garden - January 2008

Home made sauerkraut
Not all the work is outside.... Sue is making
home made sauerkraut from out cabbage! - April 2011

I am not afraid anymore

What was The Biggest Problem??? Adobe!

The dirt in our yard was "adobe"... Hard as a rock! Water would float on it! The first small garden we started had to be dug with an ax to break up the soil. Over the next 4-5 years, we added compost, imported soil, and dug under the previous years veggie left-overs back into the soil! Finally we now have extremely rich soil, well drained, and can grow almost anything!

Did You Know? - The word adobe /əˈdoʊbiː/ has existed for around 4,000 years, with relatively little change in either pronunciation or meaning. The word can be traced from the Middle Egyptian (c. 2000 BC) word dj-b-t "mud [i.e., sun-dried] brick." As Middle Egyptian evolved into Late Egyptian, Demotic, and finally Coptic (c. 600 BC), dj-b-t became tobe "[mud] brick."

This was borrowed into Arabic as al-tub (الطّوب al "the" + tub "brick") "[mud] brick," which was assimilated into Old Spanish as adobe [aˈdobe], still with the meaning "mud brick." English borrowed the word from Spanish in the early 18th century.


The Traditional Approach

The vegetable garden has traditionally been located in an area separate from other parts of the landscape because it was considered unsightly. With proper planning, however, the garden can be both functional and attractive. We garden in the front yard, behind a five foot high brick wall! Using plants like artichokes can make the yard quite attractive as well as functional.

This gardening philosophy, coupled with our favorable climate, can offer gardening opportunities nearly all year long.

Our Approach

About 25 years ago, we got into raising vegetables. We live in a residential housing area so we decided to use the front and back yards, what used to be flower beds, and every other inch we could scare up!

Has it been fun or what!   Flowers are pretty but too much work, only look good for a while, and then you dig them up!  We select what we want to grow by not only taste but looks!    I guess tomatoes are the most fun! We even started canning thanks to Mitch. . . our son!   Mitch has also passed on and we miss him terribly. Container gardening and herb gardening are also fun!

It Is History Now

Sue passed on in February 2020  and a year later I sold the house (and garden) and moved 20 miles away to Orange, California.

The new property was huge so I started again with the help of my Super Wife, Dr. Mary Cote.