2024 Here We Come!
The winter crops did fine but now it is time to pull and replace! We started in January . First things first, we put up a scare crow and it worked! Three birds fell out of the sky with heart failure in the first day!
We had plenty of fresh lettuce all winter long
Scout is always ready to assist!
We selectively remove old plants and replace with newer ones!
Mary always helps in the garden, she is fun to work with!
We have plenty of oranges!
The Green Parrots fly overhead!
The peas are going into high gear!
She caught me working!
For tonights dinner
This will become an ingredient in a stir-fry!
Just come to help!
February And Scout Comes To Assist!
"OK Yous Guys; keep the noise down, I am sleeping!"
We picked peas almost every day!
We had cauliflower
The tomatoes that would not die!!
It is time to get serious about planting! Spring is just around the corner!
Robin and Bob visit the garden
We had a spot for one more grape plant.
The Silver Fox is loaded to the gills!
Mary mixed in some sweet peas wit the veggies!
More peas!
The days are perfect for planting.
We mix the current soil with peat moss and other nutrients.
Out comes the big guns/
We have onions everywhere!
Mary works on the vertical gardens
The mulch is in!
Just a few more tomatoes!
The Ramos will provide tomatoes all summer long!
Thank goodness for the two wheelers!
We plant; it rains!
Just one last trip to HD!
The Loquats are getting ripe!
Beware of thunderstorms overhead!
This ought to be interesting!
The apples are blossoming; apples will be ready in three months!
Can you find Mary??
We love those red flowers.
We have grapes
Mary's sweet peas are doing great!
Visiting the nursery
Now the work begins!
To the backyard!
Mary's uses drills to manage!
The sweat peas are gong wild
The grapes are beginning to show their fruit.
Naked gardening day??/ Yep!!
Love those peas
The grapes are branching out
Swiss chard looks wonderful
Drinking wine in the garden
Sweat peas get sent to many people!
Oh my!!
Mary joins in!
The apples are coming along nicely.
Our pineapple is doing well.
The sweat peas are a mile high!
Family visits the garden!
We had squash all summer long.
The beets went crazy
Another sixty days
They are growing
We caught our thief
Every planter is working hard.
The berries are starting to com.
Did I say squash?
We need a wheelbarrow to transport the squash!
We found a new nursery
Soon to be dinner
The beans & peas are beginning to climb
The vertical planters even pitch in!
Only a few more weeks
The sweat peas are taking over!
Time to do some trimming
We will beat the pests at their own game
Beautiful specimens
No bunnies here.
Every day we are loaded with goodies.
Drying out the onions is important!
The picker at work!
We reorganized the tool shed!
An early morning visit to the garden!
Loads of produce come our way!
Spaghetti squash went wild!