The Gardening Activities Took A Backseat For Three Years
During the time Sue was ill, we did not plant much of the garden and I did not take very many pictures. My time was spent with Sue and the garden took a back seat!
I planted about one-third of what we used to plant, just enough to make sure Sue saw the garden in use even though cooking at home started getting less and less. I was too busy taking care of things to even bother taking photos of the garden.
Sweet Sue passed in February 2020 and I spent a lot of time in the garden to keep me busy!
When Mary and I began seeing each other in July of 2020, I learned of her desire for a garden like the one I had at Kensington.
We need something like this!
We moved into a new home in 2021 and only had room for a few veggies in various spots along the back yard wall. and in some containers along the wall dividing the pool from the yard.
In 2022 we planted veggies in several flower beds and designed a new garden. We found a contractor and a large bag of money later we have our new garden.
We started the new garden in July 2022 and as of November 2022, Casa Valencia Gardens was opened for our first winter garden!