Do We Have To Go Home??? (Page Eleven)
Champagne is a styrofoam cup???
You should wear long pants... You are frightening the passers-by
A pigeon's eyes view
Our great hotel
OMG... Drinking coffee??? You will give us a bad name
Marion and Gary are ready to go
A view from the Mars Rover
Something is fishy around here... Looks like the Aquarium Of Catalina
Getting ready to pack up
Sue provides final instructions....
Across the sea 26 miles away... Home and UGH... reality
Paul... Jump... We will catch you
It is supposed to be a Spa sometime this year.... Time will tell
Not ours yet....
The weather was perfect
This is a boy catamaran.... Ask Ron May
The garibaldi were active
Did You Know? -
This is the official marine state fish of California and is protected in Californian coastal waters. It is frequently seen off Santa Catalina Island, California and in La Jolla Cove (San Diego), where it is locally very common. It is also the mascot of the Georgia Aquarium.
Adult fish are a rich orange in color, whereas juvenile fish are redder and have many small blue spots. Adult Garibaldis tend to have a more opaque tail and dorsal fin.
Garibaldis grow up to 38 cm (15 in) in length. Juveniles are not as bright in color and have iridescent blue spots which they lose as they become adult. They are found in water a few feet deep ranging to depths of up to 30 meters (100 ft), usually in association with reefs, and typically over rocky sea-bottoms. They feed mainly on invertebrates which they remove from the rocks.
Adult Garibaldis maintain a home territory. The male clears a sheltered nest site within his territory, and the female then deposits eggs within the nest. The male subsequently guards the nest until the eggs hatch after 19–21 days. During this time period, the male Garibaldi aggressively tries to keep all other fish away from the very edible eggs. Like all male damsel fish, the male Garibaldi will boldly attack much larger swimming creatures, including humans, to the point of biting divers in order to try to drive them away from the area where the eggs are deposited.
They were all over the pier area
We await our departure
75 degrees and little breeze... Perfect
Our pier has been cleared for our ships arrival
Goodbye Casino
Hello Sam and Brenda
Our ship arrives
Picture time
On our way home... With great memories of the weekend
We are in the lounge....
Great place to see the world go by
Ron explains
Ed texts Kathy ut she will not answer
A successful trip
OMG... More food??
Relaxing after two days of madness
Wow! What a weekend
New friends
That is what is under the boat... Worried??
Enjoying the breeze
Civilization... Sort of
Bye Bye
Bob assists the gang in moving bags
For just two days???
Time for lunch at the Yard House
"What... You are not starved?"
Bob considers what to order
"Come on next year"
What happens at the Yard House stays at the Yard House
Wine... It's a way if life
The birds also liked the food