The Starlighters Put On The Ritz At The Elks!

"Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another." ~anonymous

After An Amazing Meal, We Begin Dancing Again!

The band played a little bit of everything and the "Ten Step Polka" is always a hit!

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner
MPG kept the music lively all evening long!

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner
Cutting the rug; Oops! No rugs here!

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner
Empty seats means they are on the dance floor!

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner
Having a wonderful time!

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner
Rip roaring good times

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner
The Sax was magnificent this evening.

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner
The left their desserts on the table to dance... wow!!

2025-01-19 Starlighters Putting On The Ritz Post Dinner

Did You Know? - How did Fred Astaire "pick up" the dropped canes in the filmed "Puttin' on the Ritz" dance routine? As others have said, the cane was shot up from the floor with jets of air. Of course this meant that the cane had to be placed very carefully on the holes in the floor. You can tell this is happening:

The first time, Astaire kicks the cane way off screen, then dances over to it; this gives someone time to place it (or maybe an identical cane) in exactly the right spot.

The second time is even more noticeable. Astaire drops the cane, stamps on it a few times, then dances way off to his left and back again; again, someone moves the cane to the exact spot during the time we can't see it. But in this case we see the cane before and after, and If you look closely you can see that it has moved between the time that Astaire dances off and the time he returns.

Tonights Video Is Available Here