The Starlighters Dance Club

"You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart." ~Unknown

Under The Silver Moon Page Two

We had 58 members and guests this evening and wonderful music to listen and dance too.

Did You Know? - A Japanese probe using a radar system that can map underground topography recently found a cave 30 miles long and 60 miles wide on the moon. Scientists believe it was formed by volcanic activity at least 3 billion years ago when a flowing stream of lava developed a hard crust on the outside while the molten rock continued flowing through the inside. NASA has found a number of small pits on the moon's surface that might be openings to similar tubes, and space agencies are optimistic that these underground tunnels would make good locations for manned space missions, and might even be sources of water for astronauts.

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Did You Know? - Do humans act crazier during full moons? Aristotle thought the brain might be affected by the moon like tides are because the brain is "moist," but scientists are now pretty sure that's not true. Still, cops and emergency room nurses will swear (anecdotally) that their jobs get really crazy during full moons, even though researchers haven't been able to find any replicable studies showing that crimes, suicides, or psychiatric problems increase then. But there is some evidence that people get about 20 fewer minutes of sleep during a full moon than during a new moon.

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18
Dinner was the only time the floor was empty!

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Did You Know? - Although there isn't any volcanic activity on the moon, there's quite a lot of seismic activity—sensors placed by Apollo astronauts in the 1970s measured quakes strong enough to destroy a human settlement. Again, says Palma, we're looking at an effect of the Earth's tidal pull. While the moon primarily affects tides in Earth's oceans, our stronger gravitational pull actually deforms the crust of the moon, causing quakes. "There's also the fact that the side of the moon facing the sun is very hot and the other side very cold, which puts stress on the surface and can cause quakes," he says.

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18
Our MC did a terrific job! Move over Bob!

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18
Irene came early with Vicky to set up things.

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18

Starlighters Dinner 2022-09-18