Keep On Dancing (Page Three)
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Page 1 - Pre-Dinner Visiting
Page 2 - Who Was Here Tonight? Page 3 - Serious Dancing Gets Underway |
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It's the Donna & Bob Show
About The Heat...
- It is so hot… the birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
- It is so hot… chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs.
- Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard-boiled eggs.
Donna is looking for the microphone
Donna reads from the script... Bob teases the whole time!
All eyes are focused on Bob and Donna
Resting before the band begins again!
Letting the digestion begin!
Welcome Guests!
"OK, I promise... No more jokes... Tonight!"
Tropic Star plays... Starlighter's dance!
Movin' & Grovin'
Looking good guys!
Did You Know? - The main highlights of this dance form are elaborated below.
- As the name suggests, the dancers stand in a single or in multiple lines while performing the country line dance. There is no regard for age or gender of the dancers when they stand in these dance lines.
- The dancers all face the same direction and perform the same set of steps in unison and perfectly coordinated repetitions. The repetitions usually follow a pattern, such that the dancers face the audience in the front, on the left, at the back and to their right one after the other to complete a rotation.
- There is almost no physical contact between the dancers. This is what separates country line dance from other similar dance forms such as rock n' roll, swing, jazz and disco.
Kickin' up the dust!
Beverly seems to have a handle on this dance!
Did You Know? - "Gesundheit" was borrowed from German, where it literally means "health"; it was formed by a combination of "gesund" ("healthy") and "-heit" ("-hood"). Wishing a person good health when they sneezed was traditionally believed to forestall the illness that a sneeze often portends.
The couples look great
Standby... the dance is being interrupted for a quick lesson!
Beverly learned from Mr. Cooper
Leon is about to give it a try!
Looks easy...being six feet tall makes it easier!
Perfectly executed!
Being double jointed helps a lot!
Iris gets a little frisky!
All eyes are on the floor!
They leave their corners and come out swinging!
The band gets a birds eye view
The dances seems to get longer as the evening goes on!
The Minions know how to do it!
The Starlighter's love to dance!
Kathy, Ed, and Sue take it easy!
Looks like they are having fun!
...some more than others?
Jan spots the camera!
The room is a rockin'
We have our own Chorus Line
One more time around!
Wine time!
Bob did not know it was glass...
He is used to the plastic bottles or boxed wines!
Good to the very last drop!
Every last ounce was excellently and expertly squeezed from the bottle
The audience is carefully watching...
Around around double and under
Did You Know? - The term ambulance comes from the Latin word "ambulare" as meaning "to walk or move about" which is a reference to early medical care where patients were moved by lifting or wheeling. The word originally meant a moving hospital, which follows an army in its movements.
Ambulances (Ambulancias in Spanish) were first used for emergency transport in 1487 by the Spanish forces during the siege of Málaga by the Catholic Monarchs against the Emirate of Granada. During the American Civil War vehicles for conveying the wounded off the field of battle were called ambulance wagons.
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Page 1 - Pre-Dinner Visiting
Page 2 - Who Was Here Tonight? Page 3 - Serious Dancing Gets Underway |
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