A May Special Thank You.... (Page One)
Paul had a heart attack on April 11th and was "slightly worried" about the garden but Saturday April 23rd his family came over in mass. Greg, Bob, Michele, Robin, plus Franklyn came over mid-morning pitched in to get the garden in shape and assist Sue getting the shopping done.
Just sitting there watching these special people working to help us brought on tears to Paul's eyes and for probably the first time Paul felt like the "head of the family" with the brother he never had (Greg), his children, his grandchildren all pitching in to assist us through this tough time.
Our Son, Joe, was doing baseball with the kids but he joined us later in the evening for a great visit.
We went to CPK and Paul proposed a toast and did loose it and actually cried. Life is amazing.
May 2016 In The Back Yard
Our redesigned back yard was perfect for today's situation
Remember a few months ago (winter garden) when the garden was naked?
Thirty days ago we planted the Summer Garden

The fava beans are about three feet tall and bearing like mad!
In the foreground we have carrots and beets
The little tomatoes and beginning to peak out!
Do you see the start of a red tomato?
The Asparagus gets to grow one more year... Next year, Asparagus!
The carrots are ready to pick!
Another sixty days and we will have cantaloupe! Yeah!
The Swiss Chard is going mad!
Quotation To Remember: The home gardener is part scientist, part artist, part philosopher, part plowman. He modifies the climate around his home.
Peppers and onions are coming on strong!
Time for Beets!
Anaheim chilies are our favorite to stuff
Next week we will be having stuffed squash blossoms!
Lucky us... Fresh corn in the near future!
The corn has grown another foot
The Strawberries and Tomatoes are going wild!
Bob is an excellent stuffer
Every day we get 5-6 large Strawberries!
Quotation To Remember: Garden: One of a vast number of free outdoor restaurants operated by charity-minded amateurs in an effort to provide healthful, balanced meals for insects, birds and animals.
Peak down inside and squash abound!
Looking for the boys and the girls
Awaiting the cob and the silk to show up!
"I am keeping my eye on you"
Almost lost in the corn field
They look pretty good!
Beautiful structure
Looks they are ready for business
Quotation To Remember:
Why do plants have such a positive impact on us?
There are a number of reasons, including:
They have a predictable cycle of life that provides comfort
in our time of rapid change.
They are responsive but nonthreatening.
They form no opinions or judgments about their caregivers.
They soften our man-made environment.
They enable us to change or improve our environment.
They promote relaxation and tranquility.
Time to pick the Kale
"Be careful I bite"
The Spaghetti Squash is aiming up the wall!
We had adult supervision!
The small tomatoes are coming on strong... Blossoms everywhere!
Did You Know? - A cherry tomato is a rounded, small fruited tomato thought to be an intermediate genetic admixture between wild currant-type tomatoes and domesticated garden tomatoes.
Cherry tomatoes range in size from a thumb tip up to the size of a golf ball, and can range from being spherical to slightly oblong in shape. Although usually red, yellow, green and black varieties also exist.
The more oblong ones often share characteristics with plum tomatoes, and are known as grape tomatoes. The berry tomato is regarded as a botanical variety of the cultivated berry.
See the tiny plum tomatoes forming?
Every time we look outside and see what we are blessed with!
Eggplants are looking a little weak so we are going to give then some nitrogen
This sad little guy was a volunteer who we transplanted. Every morning we talk
to him and it seems to work... He gets stronger every day!
Guarding the onions... Someone has to do it!
Walter the Gnome used to be washed by Jonathan (our 27 year old grandson)
when he went to Great Grandma Rita's house!
If every blossom has a cherry tomato we are going to be in big trouble
We will produce for another two months
We are loaded!
"Ha Ha" birdies... You're not dining on our berries today!
Mom and Dad Liles locked you out
We will be picking for another two months
A beautiful 80 degree day.. You can almost hear the veggies growing
We are off to the front yard