Sweetheart Ball In Full Swing Page Two

If you love somebody, let them know!

...And The Dance Continues (Page Three)

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
Herbie offers dance lessons

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
"Take one lessons and I will throw in two scoops to tutti fruitti ice cream"

Did You Know? - Tutti frutti (from Italian, "all fruits", also hyphenated "tutti-frutti") is a colorful confection containing various chopped and usually candied fruits, or an artificially created flavoring simulating the combined flavor of many different fruits. It is often used for making a tutti frutti ice cream flavor.

Fruits used for tutti-frutti ice cream include cherries, raisins, and pineapple, often augmented with nuts. In the Netherlands, tutti-frutti (also "tutti frutti," "tuttifrutti") is a compote of dried fruits, served as a dessert or a side dish to a meat course. In Belgium, tutti-frutti is often seen as a dessert. Typically, it contains a combination of raisins, currants, apricots, prunes, dates, and figs. The dish is quite popular; even tutti-frutti flavored condoms are available.

In the United States, tutti-frutti can also refer to fruits soaked in brandy or other spirits, or even to fruit fermented in a liquid containing sugar and yeast.


Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
"Yo Paul.... Go get my ice-on-the-rocks!"

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
Truth is now out... Bob's shirt was made from a table cloth

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
S-h-h-h-h-h It's supposed to be a secret

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
Larry Fresch is playing a large variety of songs

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
No one has fallen over yet

Vicky And Jan Spotted The Center Pieces

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
Ol' Red Eyes... A new singing group

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
Jan is peeking!

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
Antlers, antennas... Help!

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
What are they going to do next??

OMG! It's Catching

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
What are they doing??

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
The shoes are gong in their bag... Must be an early evening

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
"Sure... I'm English... I can down the entire bottle in one mad gulp!"

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
Irene is NOT happy... She ordered vanilla and got strawberry

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
Agent 007 1/4, at your service

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
Jolly good fun

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Did You Know? - In the British Navy, the officers' noon mess typically began with the loyal toast , followed by a toast distinctive for the day of the week:

  • Monday: Our ships at sea.
  • Tuesday: Our men.
  • Wednesday: Ourselves. ("As no-one else is likely to concern themselves with our welfare," is often the retort and not part of the toast)
  • Thursday: A bloody war or a sickly season (meaning the desire and likelihood of being promoted when many people die: during war or sickness.)
  • Friday: A willing foe and sea room. (meaning the payment of prize money after a successful engagement)
  • Saturday: Sweethearts and wives. ("may they never meet," is often the retort and not part of the toast)
  • Sunday: Absent friends.

Oh Oh... They Are At It Again

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
Jan is hatching a plot

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
New swing suit???

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Meanwhile On The Floor

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
A sea of red

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011
Time for a waltz???

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Sweatheart Ball Santa Ana Elks 2011

Valentine's Day