Christmas 2016 In Naples

"You know you're getting old when Santa starts looking younger." -- Robert Paul

Christmas In Naples Walk.... Time For Dessert (Page Four)

Dessert warning... We went to That's Amore Italian Restaurant which is just a few miles away!

Donut Burger
What is an "Ice Cream Donut Burger?"

Did You Know? - The word "dessert" originated from the French word desservir, meaning "to clear the table."[1] Its first known use was in 1600, in a health education manual entitled Naturall and artificial Directions for Health, which was written by William Vaughan.

In his A History of Dessert (2013), Michael Krondl explains it refers to the fact dessert was served after the table had been cleared of other dishes.

The term dates from the 14th century but attained its current meaning around the beginning of the 20th century when "service à la française" (setting a variety of dishes on the table at the same time) was replaced with "service à la russe" (presenting a meal in courses.)"

Thank You That's Amore fo staying open for us! We called and the chef/owner answered. We said twenty of us are headed your direction and he replied "We will be ready"... He was!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
We're back!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Just down the street from Naples!   We arrive en mass!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Lilly and her parents visited for a bit but then headed home!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
We love to see the family together

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Miss Lilly has got to hit the hay so the Lind's are off...

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk "We can do this!"

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Lilly must say goodnight to everyone!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Just melts our hearts!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
"Remember Great Grandma...
We will see you Saturday Christmas Eve at Disneyland!"
(It's Lilly's second year and great grandma's 53rd year)

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Too bad Zack had to miss the picture with the other grandsons!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Say what?

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Catching up on the score of the ball game!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Nick, Charlie, and Alex get the serious award....
Theo gets the silly award

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Meanwhile at the other end of the table we have heavy duty kibitzing underway

Did You Know? - Kibitzer is a Yiddish term for a person who offers (often unwanted) advice or commentary. This term is used for a non-participant spectator in contract bridge, chess, go, and many other games.

The verb kibitz can also refer to idle chatting or side conversations.

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Bob, Paul, and Joe... Always a laugh going on!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Picture perfect!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Paul is in the dog house again!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Charlie and Bob hit it off...

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Amy looks at the table and wonders

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
"Yes.... I am adorable"

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
"What is this?"

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
Bob and Alex hit it off!

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk
"I will only eat this much!"

Dessert and wine at That's Amore in Sunset Beach after the Naples walk