Liles Family Christmas 2021

"I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month."

Christmas Is Here!

Page Created November 11th, 2021- Last Updated: 10/21/2024 22:23:PM

This year has been amazing as Mary and I have become man and wife, we have a new home in Orange, and our family has grown!

Just us at Rockwell's For Lunch!

Yes we are!!!

November 20th we went to the Starlighters Christmas Dance at Mile Square Park!   It was the "season opener!"

Dancing and more dancing; celebrating the evening!

November 23rd and Mary is officially retired! No more working!

We are off to Patty's Place, our happy place.  Take a look at the celebration at Patty's

Patty's with family and friends

November 24th, we got ready for Thanksgiving!

November 25th, Thanksgiving!  It was a day to remember.  Loads of fasmily and friends and NO electricity!

Join in on the fun!

November 27th, Juan came by to wash the cars and we out him and the guys to work, Thanksgiving/Halloween up and Christmas down , all sixty boxes!

Juan and the guys get their exercise!

November 28th we are off to Brea for the annual Christmas Musical with the greatest Doo-Wop singers of all time; The Alley Cats! 

What better way to celebrate Christmas than with dear friends?

November 29th, the process begins!

The boxes were placed approximately where they should be unpacked!

November 29th we open our "field hospital" for broken toys and those who energy source has been depleted (batteries)

The field hospital was opened for business!
Dr. Côté and Nurse Liles are on duty!

December 1st and we begin decorating the house in earnest as most of the toys/decorations have been repaired and we have an idea where everything goes.

December 2nd was Girls Night Out at the Elks!   They had oysters so you can image what was going on!  Where is Colleen when we need her?

They had oysters today so....

December 3rd was a sad day as it was the last dance of the Topper's Dance after 75 years. Times are changing but we went and had a wonderful time.

December 4th and we are at the Elks Lodge. The gala was well attended and we had a ball dancing with our friends!

Partying at the Elks!

December 5th and time for celebrating Robin's birthday; we had a Polish/German dinner complete with nulled wine. It was fantastic.

Celebrating Robin's Birthday!

December 7th we went to Palm Desert and saw the Barry Manilow Christmas Show.  We stayed overnight and then headed back early the next morning because we had Girls Night Out at the Elks.

Great music & great fun!

Long Beach Airport came alive at noon on the 8th!

December 10th - Where can you go to see 10,000 lights strung out over two acres of beautifully manicured gardens? Sherman Gardens of course!

Night of 10,000 Lights at Sherman Gardens

December 11th was my 31st year of going to the Christmas Play at the Candlelight Dinner Theater in Claremont. We have fifty family and friends as our guests to enjoy an afternoon of wonderful food and drink plus a Christmas show!

2021 Christmas Play with family (four generations pictured)

December 12th we headed to John Wayne Airport. One cannot have Christmas without the SoCal branch of the International Packard Club's luncheon at Gulliver's in Santa Ana.  We had a magnificent time with David and Dianne.

Packard Club Luncheon

December 13th we were invited to dinner at the Capp's beautiful home in Newport Beach. The Ash's were also there and we had an enchanting evening.  But first we had to fasten everything down, a storm is coming!

The storm is coming our way; Scout is "helping"!

A special event with special friends!

It was a lovely evening with outstanding friends in a beautifuk setting!
Romance was in the air!

December 14th and we got back to decorating! Colleen was the wizard in charge of figuring out how everything went together.  Colleen brought Mary a blowup helicopter and a blowup dancing Santa complete with lighting. I put them on the Alexa timer so they run from sundown to midnight all on automatic.

She read ther in structions which were in size 2 font!
(Looked like fly specks to me!)

The tree is up and we are ready for Santa to put his presents under the tree!

December 15th we had a small window of opportunity and we took it; we drove to Corona Del Mar and went to Rogers Gardens to walk the grounds and have lunch!   The gardens are always a pleasant walk with new things to see.

"Hi Santa, guess what Paul wants for Christmas?"

December 16th was my birthday so we went wild; three event in a day plus a myriad of errands.   First to the Elks for Girls Night Out, then to the Packard Christmas Party in Santa Ana, and finally to Professional Networking with Integrity in Irvine.

I had two cakes today at "Girls Night Out"""

Most of the gang is all here!

Late afternoon we dined on Mexican food and had a
wine while observing Pachard cars in various stages of restoration!

At the bar; our favorite place!

Mid-evening we headed to Irvine for the PNU dinner party.  Mary was a popular leader of the PNI group and long long time member!

December 17th Colleen visited her Mom, we went to the Nixon Library, and we finished the tree and got ready for my surprise birthday party on Saturday!

We walked around and saw the exhibits and the Choo-Choo trains!

"I command you Angel, stand up straight!"

December 18th, time to partee as the old man celebrated seventy-seven years on this old planet. We had twenty family and friends attending the carryings-on!   All went well until the police showed up (just kidding!)

We celebrated with family and friends!

December 19th, we dropped Colleen off at Joe's and Joe is taking her to LAX. We then did our Santa-thing and dropped off "Meals On Wheels" to some friends who are od ill-health or otherwise shut-in before going to the American Legion on Balboa Island for lunch and finally home to watch Christmas movies!

Breakfast on the bay!

Frosty was watching the boats on the bay!

December 20th was errand day and preps for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!   We first went to Mary's doctor in Los Alamitos and the had brunch at the club.  After that we finally finished off the Christmas decorating activities; we are done!

"No No! I have no lipstick!

S-h-h-h-h-h-h-h He is busy chasing elephants!

December 21st, the shorted day of the year! We did chores, worked around the house, and prepared to meet up with visit with Dan and Becky at Rothchilds in Corona Del Mar!

We had a drink before the kids arrived and discussed the next few days!

Great memories are made!

December 22nd was a day to rest and plot the next few days as the activity level will indeed increase!   We went to Mary's PT session and then returned home via Home Depot with things for the house! We are expecting a weeks worth of rain so I battened down the hatches and we went into the swim spa for the last time for several days!  We attempted watching another movie but alas!

If you are curious about the picture, please assk us! We will 'splain!

December 23rd and it is Thursday so that means, "Girls Night Out" at the Elks!

Join the fun!

December 24th And It Is Christmas Eve!   We had a bust day.  Joe and the b oys came over and insulated the garage, we went to Roger's GArdens, and we had dinner out!

Dining at Yang Mings with Robin and Bob

December 25th And We Celebrate with Family And Friends . We had eighteen over for an afternoon and evening of fun and games! Vicky joined us making it very special!

Having fun!

Mary works up a storm!

And the games go on!