Christmas 2016 Has A Few "Slow Days!

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!  ~Author Unknown

There Are Days Where Even We "Relax"

"Slow Days" are just like the "Snow Days" they have back east but we don't have snow so we just stay close to home and do little chores, play a little golf, and do the necessities of life!

Golf And Patty's Place Day (12/6/2016)

OK... we said "Slow" but that means faster than the normal retired folks! We played nine holes of golf at Old Ranch and Paul did a "selfie" showing his Santa golf attire!

Christmass 2016
Handsome devil he is he is!

After golf we did Happy Hour with Bunnaford, Ernie, John and various others until it was time to go home and put our laundry in the dryer.... Yes, even we have laundry to do! Once the "chore" was done, we headed for Patty's Place were Paul was enticed to have grilled prawns... But, on the bright side the calories had been removed earlier!

Christmass 2016

We were supposed to do the treadmill but alas, that was not in the cards. We tried to watch a Christmas movie but could not find one this evening. We watched NCIS and a little Star Trek before crashing about 12:30.

Christmas 2016

Golf & Starlighters Board  (12/7/2016)

We played golf again today. The high was 65 degrees... Not quite as bad as New Hampshire!

It was December 7th an although Paul was born three years later and Sue 10 years later, we remember and say our prayers for those who were lost in this act of war.

Christmass 2016

We played golf at 2:08 when the sun was beginning its journey down hill. We stayed pretty warm until the 9th hole when the temperature seemed to suddenly drop!

Christmass 2016
We played nine holes

The pelicans have been around for almost a month so we guess the lake are almost fished out!

Christmass 2016
Wonder what we should eat now?

Christmass 2016
As we departed Happy Hour the lights were going on!


We needed to have a board meeting and with no incoming board members, we did NOT do dinner... Just a simple board meeting.

Christmass 2016
Great fun working with friends

Lunch, ORCC, GG Elks (12/23/2016)

We slowed down a bit today in readiness for the BIG DAY at Disneyland! We went to Cucina Enoteca for lunch and then to Old Ranch for Happy Hour. Afterwords, we went to the GG Elks to dance and see Jerry Benton!

Christmass 2016
Sue found out the Soup Of The Day was vegetarian!

Christmass 2016
Just a simple smile

Christmass 2016
Our delightful waitress ordered a three-cheese sandwich with a slice of meat!
Perfectly done and the lemon bread was amazing!

After lunch we went home and did some chores before heading to Old Ranch. we didn't bother to take pictures there as we do it all the time. At 6:00, we went to the GG Elks and danced to Jerry Benton.

Christmass 2016
It was a stormy night

Christmass 2016
Don't ask... Don't tell

Christmass 2016
Dumbo arrived at the table!

Christmass 2016
Cute... Just cute!

Christmass 2016
Great fun with the group!

Christmass 2016
Out table was full but we really missed the Branders!

Christmass 2016

Going North (12/26-27/2016)

Tradition dictates we head north to Saratoga the day after Christmas to spend the evening with Diane and family. We then headed to Stockton the next morning to have lunch with Aunt Kaye and Cousin Tom.

Christmass 2016
It was a fast trip so we needed to be refueled!

Christmass 2016
The girls gave Paul a very appropriate present!

Christmass 2016
"The weather outside is frightful, but wine is so delightful!

Christmass 2016
The next morning it was colder than a well diggers butt


Christmass 2016
We dined at Strings Italian Restaurant.... Great food and service!

Christmass 2016
Aunt Kaye is 94 and sharp as a tack!

Christmass 2016
Paul and Tom made the girls look pretty small!