Cyndy Gets Pinned During Christmas 2016

"What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? Claustrophobic." -- Unknown

Back To School And Three Years Later 12/15/2016 Cyndy Is Pinned!

Cyndy gets pinned 12/15/2016
Click to see full sized image

Cyndy gets pinned 12/15/2016
LA County Hospital... Built almost 90 years ago!

We Catch The Bus

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"I dood it... Right here at the Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health"

Did You Know? - The Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health is a public community college that is owned and operated by the County of Los Angeles. The College supports the educational needs of the Los Angeles County + University of Southern California (LAC+USC) Healthcare Network, the LAC Department of Health Services (DHS), and the LA County health care community by providing learning centered educational programs and career development opportunities for health care students.

In 1895 the College Training School for Nurses was founded under the direction of LAC Hospital and USC College of Medicine. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved the School in 1901. The School was renamed the LAC Medical Center School of Nursing in 1968 to coincide with the hospital name change to the LAC+USC Medical Center. The Education and Consulting Services (EDCOS) nursing professional development division of the Medical Center and the LAC Medical Center School of Nursing (SON) merged in 1998 to form the LAC College of Nursing and Allied Health.

The College achieves its mission by graduating 100 to 150 students with an Associate of Science degree in Nursing every year.

Off To The Ceremony!

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Hey! There is Cyndy... Catching the bus like us common people!

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That what we call an "ear to ear smile"

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"In just a few minutes I will have my pin!"

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Cyndy gets pinned 12/15/2016
"I can do this..."

Los Angeles County Hospital

Not widely known but Paul was born in this building December 1944, 72 years ago tomorrow! Paul was in good company, Marilyn Monroe was born in the charity ward on June 1, 1926

Did You Know? - The original hospital, located at 1200 State Street, opened in 1923. Its art-deco construction earned it the nickname the Great Stone Mother[6] and had 800 patient beds. The 1994 Northridge earthquake on January 17, 1994 renewed concerns about building safety codes, and specifically those for hospitals. The California Hospital Seismic Safety Law was signed into law on September 21, 1994. The new law took the 1200 State Street building out of compliance of earthquake and fire safety codes.

A new facility was ready by 2008, and on November 8 of that year, the new hospital was opened. Transfer of all inpatients from Women's and Children's Hospital and the 1200 State Street building made the retirement of the original hospital complex official.

LAC+USC is one of the busiest public hospitals in the Western United States, with nearly 39,000 inpatients discharged, and one million ambulatory care patient visits each year. The Emergency Department is one of the world's busiest, with more than 150,000 visits per year.

LAC+USC operates one of only three burn centers in Los Angeles County and one of the few Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Southern California. LAC+USC is also the home of the Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health, which has prepared registered nurses for professional practice since its founding in 1895.

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An amazing building... The floors are now used for storage...

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"I was born here 72 years ago!"

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The insides were quite amazing... It withstood many earthquakes and probably
will for many years to come

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We await others before going into the auditorium

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The floors have colored tapes to assist people in navigating the building

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"Sue... Follow the Golden Brick Road"

We Are Ready To Watch The Pinning But....

The lights dim... Blue lights flash... And an announcement... FIRE DRILL!

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Notice we left our jackets on the chairs so we could come back to our seats!

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"This will be a very memorable day!"

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We return and are ready for the formalities to begin!

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The family awaits with baited breath

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All is well... Bob has been reassured!

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We had the whole row... and more on the other side!

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On a serious note, getting a 3+ point grade average in nursing school is an amazing feat. Cyndy was one of six out of a class of almost 50 that achieved this high honor... We be proud and now know who to call when we have to take a test!

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The golden cord symbolizes high achievement...

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Cyndy was NOT nervous... She walked slowly to her seat

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Whoa girl.. The speed limit is 60 mph inside the auditorium
She wanted back to her popcorn

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The Pinning Is Just Moments Away!

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It's time for the pinning...

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What a wonderful event... Cyndy can now operate!

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"I brought a stapler just in case!"

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Cyndy is now official!

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Pinned And Official... Time To Seriously Celebrate (Page Two)

We took our life in our hands and drove the two miles from County-USC to 5th and Figueroa. It is amazing how many inactive road blocks one city could have in operation in a two miles drive!

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Downtown LA has high rises... Wow!

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We arrive at the ol' watering hole...

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Donna has the wine ordered... We are in good shape!

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The truth indeed!

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"Oh dear... What could it be?"

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"We always wanted to say this.... 'Our kid' is an honor student!"

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"It's a box of See's candy..."

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Paul provides Cyndy a hint when making the rounds

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Paul!  What are these?

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"I'm telling my Daddy...."

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The party get into overdrive

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"I will ask my girl friends to see if they know?"

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"You;re kidding.... For reals?"

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Cyndy's fans understand the art of toasting!

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The red wine wizards offer a toast... or was it a bagel?

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It is a happy time for all... We get our Cyndy back!

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"Here's to Cyndy!"

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She did it!

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Harper is a proud son

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"I have a song to sing...."

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It begins...

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Why are all the customers leaving all of a sudden??"

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Mary captures the mass exodus... Perhaps it is a fire drill?

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From the heart

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Donna did an outstanding job of modifying the lyrics to the
1950's song entitled "Cyndy's Birthday"

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Donna does a wonderful job

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We can see a small tear...

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What did you think Bob?

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We now know why Bob did not sing!

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Thank you Ana for joining the celebration

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The audience was amazed!

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Ed, Cyndy and Kathy

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Good groceries

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The food was outstanding

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Bring on the hot sauce

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Bob says a few words... Mostly because he only knows a few words!

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...and finished with a toast!

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...and another toast

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...and another toast.... That man can really speak our language!
But... what did he really say?

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"Hey Bob... Keep on toasting!"

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Great fun with wonderful friends and their families

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"...and we set an example by eating health foods"

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"How about one more toast?"

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We were right across the street from the Bonaventure Hotel

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Setting up the camera for the great shots

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"OK... Stop hiding Cyndy!"

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A handsome group!

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Scaring the traffic along Figueroa Blvd   ( Click for full sized image )

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Thank you friends for joining me today!

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All smiles
Sally Lam is on the left and Ana Martinez is on the right

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