Christmas 2016 At Santa Ana Elks

"From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it."

Welcome To Christmas Tree Lane At Santa Ana Elks (12/2/2016)

It's that time of year to raise money for those in need and the Elks are quick to volunteer to provide for those people. The Christmas Tree Lane gives us the opportunity to bid on trees which were donated and all the proceeds to to the needy.   Tonight is the preview and tomorrow is the real deal...

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Brian and Jan were Puttin' on the Ritz

Did You Know? - "Puttin' On the Ritz" is a song written by Irving Berlin. He wrote it in May 1927 and first published it in December 2, 1929. It was registered as an unpublished song August 24, 1927 and again on July 27, 1928.

It was introduced by Harry Richman and chorus in the musical film Puttin' On the Ritz (1930). According to The Complete Lyrics of Irving Berlin, this was the first song in film to be sung by an interracial ensemble.

The title derives from the slang expression "putting on the Ritz," meaning to dress very fashionably. The expression was inspired by the opulent Ritz Hotel.

Fred Astaire and a chorus of Fred Astaires performing "Puttin' On the Ritz" in Blue Skies (1946).

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
We met Dan, 83, who knew a lot of people we also knew through Boeing

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Dan was keeping the ladies entertained!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Nita gave us the world's largest smile!   Denise also joined us this evening.

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"Neal, You got some 'splainin to do!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"...and I am NOT done yet!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Brian makes the rounds showing off his Christmas tie.... Let's take a closer look

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Brian's tie is quite unique...

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Bob and Sandy also making the rounds

Did You Know? - Although many believe the Friday after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year, it is not. It is the fifth to tenth busiest day. The Friday and Saturday before Christmas are the two busiest shopping days of the year.

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Iris is looking great this evening... Love the necklace

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Marcia packs up dinner while Leon looks for his tooth!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"Found it!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Sue is "On Duty" but remember she also has Paul to contend with

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"I will let them get by with that move... Watch the hands Wil!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Donna our own 1920's movie star

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Pulling back the time to the 1920's

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
We knew we have seen that picture before in an old scrapbook!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Always a smile!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
What are they cooking up?

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
It's a long story!!!  

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Vicky tries to figure out how to hijack Logan for the Christmas Play

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Watch our for these two!   Ladies in Red....
Sounds like a great title for a song

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
One more pose... Just for Conrad!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Let the dancing begin !!!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Conrad and Nita show us their Latin moves...
Unfortunately the song was a waltz...

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Our group fills the floor... Conrad does a solo

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"Hold me tighter Leon, it is cold in here!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Now we are moving!

Did You Know? - Continuing the current trend of large-scale mergers and acquisitions, it was announced today at a press conference that Christmas and Hanukkah will merge. An industry source said that the deal had been in the works for about 1300 years.

While details were not available at press time, it is believed that the overhead cost of having twelve days of Christmas and eight days of Hanukkah was becoming prohibitive for both sides. By combining forces, we're told, the world will be able to enjoy consistently high-quality service during the Fifteen Days of Chrismukkah, as the new holiday is being called.

Massive layoffs are expected, with lords a-leaping and maids a-milking being the hardest hit. As part of the conditions of the agreement, the letters on the *dreydl, currently in Hebrew, will be replaced by Latin, thus becoming unintelligible to a wider audience.

Also, instead of translating to "A great miracle happened there," the message on the dreydl will be the more generic "Miraculous stuff happens." In exchange, it is believed that Jews will be allowed to use Santa Claus and his vast merchandising resources for buying and delivering their gifts.

One of the sticking points holding up the agreement for at least three hundred years was the question of whether Jewish children could leave milk and cookies for Santa even after having eaten meat for dinner. A breakthrough came last year, when Oreos were finally declared to be Kosher. All sides appeared happy about this.

A spokesman for Christmas, Inc., declined to say whether a takeover of Kwanzaa might not be in the works as well. He merely pointed out that, were it not for the independent existence of Kwanzaa, the merger between Christmas and Chanukah might indeed be seen as an unfair cornering of the holiday market. Fortunately for all concerned, he said, Kwanzaa will help to maintain the competitive balance.

He then closed the press conference by leading all present in a

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Great music this evening...

Oh Dear!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Donna thinks it is a hat and teases Paul... Paul replies with...

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"Can I take it home for Bob?"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"Oh Boy... Sue's got that Mom look in her eyes!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Paul gives her "The Smile" and offers wine... Will it work?

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Iris whispered to Wil "Shall we go home now?"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
She sure got Wil's attention

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Good night Sandy and Bob!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"So Jan... What is your favorite saying these days?

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"S-h-h-h-h-h Paul... Don't tell!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
It's only 10:00 PM... What happened?

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Brian still has his tie on...

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Brian regales us with stories of the big sushi adventure

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
You had sushi??

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"Oh, did he have sushi"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
Brian now sings...
"I am dreaming of a red sushi.... Just like the one I had last night"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"I know what is going to happen now!  He will start singing"
"The other thing that is quite odd is that Brian has taken four baths today!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016
"Actually... It's true!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Tree Lane Charity Dance 12/2/2016